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Shrugging the weird feeling off you looked at the monochrome clown. "Hey Jack?" You ask him. He turns to you and smiles. "Yes my lady heehehehe" Jack giggled and you looked him over. "Jack, what happened to you?" You ask him. You couldn't help the curiosity from growing inside you as you remembered the colourful rainbow clown. He stopped smiling and had a very distant and upset look on his face. "Well I hehehe, I was put back into my box." He says and you sit down on your couch. Wanting to know the reason why he was like this. His expression grew angry as he continued on.
"I was in there for 13 god d*** years! Can you imagine the loneliness I felt. The hopelessness I felt!" He asked you and you felt a twinge of sorrow for him. He smiles again, but this time it was not a happy or joyous smile. This one looked like a smile of insanity. "But I was finally able to get out when my box, just so happened to drop off of a shelf. And my 'friend' just so happened to hear the noise and found my little box." He giggled. "J-Jack, stop it your scaring me..." You whimper but he ignores you, starting to regret ever even asking him. "He turned my handle and my tune started to play....

All around the mulberry bush

The monkey chases the weasel

The monkey thought twas all fun.

POP goes.. The weasel!" Jack cackled.

You looked at him in fear. "What did you do Jack..." You ask trailing off. His smile widened to a menacing grin and he sat next to you. He draped a arm over your shoulder and pulled closer. "I killed him." He giggled and you looked at him in horror. "Y-You what?.." You stammer. He was a murderer! Stiffening you remembered the red paint on him. It was not paint, but blood.
He killed innocent people... " I killed him! Cut open his stomach and ripped his intestines out!" He howled with glee and to make his point he trailed a clawed finger down your chest to your stomach. You froze in fear as you winced from the pain as he cut you a little bit. You tried to pull away but he held you close. You were trapped. "Then guess what!" he asked you. You looked at the insane clown in fear. Something snapped in him and he stopped smiling. "I-I am sorry Y/n...." He says and reaches into a pocket. He pulls out two candies and takes one. "Do you want a candy Y/n?" he asks quietly. He looked upset and you tried to decide if you should forgive him.
But with you also having a sweet tooth it won and you took the candy from his palm. Popping it into your mouth you enjoyed the flavour. Jack popped two into his mouth and you couldn't help but look down, in shame. Jack noticed this and he came closer to you. Lifting your face you squeak in surprise as his face was mere inches away from yours. "J-Jack what are you-" You couldn't finish your words as his black lips crashed on yours. Shock and confusion rose inside you as he kissed you. Your cheeks heated up and he chuckled, pulling away.

"You taste just like candy." He giggles.

Monochrome Lights ( Laughing Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now