~Show Time~

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It had been two days since Laughing Jack had told you about his past and how he came to be like this. The way he told it.. Was sort of heart breaking and angering at the same time. 'How dare Isaac just forget about his best friend like that!'

But... now that you knew more about Jacks past, the more you saw why he did what he did. Why he would kill kids without a second thought, and why he even took you to come here. He never wants to be alone again.

You stand up from you seat and smirked as you watched Jack perform juggling on a unicycle to the clapping audience. His rode over to the box and set the three colourful balls down and rode back to the center of the stage.

It had been kind of fun these last few days, learning how to do circus tricks and hearing the crowd applaud to us.

LJ grinned and balanced on the one wheeled unicycle and did a flip awing the crowd as he had one hand on the seat and was splayed out upwards.

LJ looked in your direction and grinned, his sharp teeth hidden under the cloud of illusions that the entire carnival was cloaked in.

You ran out smiling at the cheering had gotten louder as you watched a large lion step out onto the stage. To the human eye it looked to be alive and real as ever. Its golden fur shone in the stage light as a well ran through mane lined its great head.

But this was not what you saw in that case. This lion was very much dead.

It had no eyes, which you could guess was because of its rotting decomposing state. Bones were really all that was left of its, with the strands of occasional flesh hanging from it here and there.

Large teeth looked much bigger then they really were as it stalked towards you. The sound of gasps and cheering faded into the background of your hearing. Steady breaths were the only thing heard as a light directed itself onto you also and the skeletal lion in front of you. Large long claws scraped the stage as its front half of its body tilted forward into a pouncing position.

Times stood still as the cheering slowed until you could hear every heart beat that was in the crowd and the feeling of leather in your grasp.

The long end of the black lined whip hit the ground as you stared at the lion waiting for it to make its first move.

Tension hung in the air like a thick smog that with a single light of fire would burst into flames. It had been ignited as the skeletal lion pounces forward, large paws reaching towards you. Twisting your ankle you moved to the side and avoided the large skeletal claws of the massive beast and wrapped your whip around a paw, yanking it off balance. Its golden flank hitting the stage with a loud thud and a snarl as it quickly got up. Not the most nimble of creatures are they?

You circles the large skeletal feline as Jack watched amused from behind the curtains, knowing that you had the full attention of everyone in the tent with your lion taming. Claws lashed out at your colourful chest as each step you took back, a boney, decomposed tail swayed behind it lightly as it started backing you into the back of the stages wall. Audience watching from the edge of there seats in worry and suspense as the women was backed unto the wall by the large animal. Its mouth gapped slightly as you looked at it and then behind the undead corpse, figuring a way out of this before you became kitty food.

A creak from a plank of wood caught your attention as the weight of the paw was to much for the fragile wood as it snapped under the weight of the lion, it's paw falling through.

Taking this chance you jumped onto it boney back and wrapped the whip around its mouth to muzzle it.

Cheers were heard from the crowd as LJ stepped back on stage to bid the fair wells and to go kill his next victims once again.

You on the other hand were leading the lion back to its cage as it nuzzled your hand.

Fact was that you had come across this guy when you were exploring around the Big Top and came across him, noticing that the food was empty and bars started to be rusted.

He would snarl and swipe at you a couple times but as soon at you hand was laid on its head it calmed and instead of action like a great beast.

It started to act like a normal kitten.

"I think I am going to have to name you..." You whisper and look at the little kitten acting lion as it was on its back now.

"I think I will call you Cheshire." You say, knowing that since it was undead, it will have a ever lasting Cheshire grin.

Its head lifted at the sound of the name and you looked at it, knowing lions would have manes. But he did not have any anymore.

"Hmm... maybe.." You think, not sure if this would work. Trailing a hand you brushed where its mane would be and sees flesh form where your hands had trailed on bone, a large black mane now on it. "That's better!" You say and scratch where its ear would have been.

Monochrome Lights ( Laughing Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now