~Doctor, Doctor~

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"Miss Y/n can you hear me?" A blurry voice asked when blinding white light filled your vision. E/c eyes fluttering open and close only to wince a bit as a flashlight was shone in your eye. "Miss Y/n L/n." A doctor stood above you with the light in his hand. The familiar sound of beeping tuning into your ear as the Doctor looked over you. "If you can hear me please blink your eyes." He asked you. Judging by he greying hair and what little wrinkles he had on his face he looked to have been around his late 40 to 50's. Blinking your eyes he smiles a bit and motions for a nurse to come in. Glancing over you blink again before looking down as she moves some bandages from your stomach to show a large scar that stretched across.

As if you had been stabbed.

" Get the mother on the phone as soon as you can." The Doctor commanded the Nurse. She nodded quickly as her brown hair bobbed behind her. Although you could partly see some things did not mean that you could have seen everything.

The writing on the Doctor's name tag was still blurry in your vision but you could make out his features.

Moving around he checked on your heart rate, temperature and many other things.

Lying limp through it all you stay still as you mind almost tried to reboot itself.

" I can assume you would like some water and something to eat after being fed with a tub for two weeks." He stated watching as your eyes widened momentarily.

"Wait... what?" You asked but it barely came out as a whisper, your throat feeling like someone had shoved sheets of sandpaper down it and rubbed.

"Seems you do not recall the events or anything that had happened that night." He muttered under his breath as if taking a mental note of it. With one last check, along with a bit of your blood being taken he left. Leaving you in the room, with your body hooked up on life supports.

What had happened to you?

Thinking back you recall getting almost crushed under a collapsed by a carnival booth. Then you had blacked out.

Moving your head around you looked at the various machines before a hand rested on yours.

Looking over you see your mother standing there with tears in her eyes.

Were they happy tears? Or sad tears?

"Im so glad your awake..." She smiles a bit before rubbing your knuckles in a sweet manner. "When I came home that night to see you stabbed and in the woods I thought that I might have a heart attack or faint."

Wait, what did she mean she found you in the woods? But Jeff... he stabbed you in your house and LJ saved you.

"You look confused. Want me to explain what I know so you understand how series it was?" She asked and waited as you nodded your head.

Looking over she stood up and you watched as a chair with blue padding was pulled over to your side of the bed.

"It was near midnight.. I had called you but you did not seem to answer so I thought you had gone to bed.

When I was driving home the car blew the engine." she chuckles lightly. "Stupid thing, But I could not get home until it was fixed the next day. So I called you to tell you that I would not be back until the day after but you still did not pick up. That was when I had gotten worried. So, I asked your aunt to go and check on you in the morning while I got towed back to town and booked a hotel for the night." She said and stopped for a moment, a tear falling down her face as if reliving the moment herself in her mind.

"But when I got the call in the morning hat you were not there I hopped into a cab as fast as I could and drive back home to find you. I got out and looked all in the house, seeing blood and some knife marks I panicked, afraid my baby girl had gotten killed by someone." Her tears came more quickly now as a sob erupted from her mouth. It hurt to see your strong mother like this, but it would also make sense. Thinking your child was dead would be heart breaking.

Wiping the tears from her eyes she breathed before continuing.

" I alerted the Police who did a full out search of the house and you, only finding blood and what was a struggle before doing a search around the house and in the woods, with a dog of course.

They found your body in a clearing with three claw marks on your stomach, and what looked like wood was on you and some more cut marks.

They took you to the hospital and you were in the emergency room for almost 7 to 9 hours. When they were done the Doctor, I am guessing you already saw Doctor Everling?" M/N asked you and you slowly nodded your head.

So that who the guy was, although he did have a unusual name you have heard weirder.

"Good, But when he came out he told me you had lost a sever amount of blood and your body was put in a coma. It has been two weeks since that day."

Mouth gapping at the last of her words as you processed the information that was given to you. So you have been in a Coma.. For two weeks.. But what about Laughing Jack and The three guys with the large tall man? Were they all dreamed?


It was to real to have been a dream or Hallucination of any sort. But what had happened to... wait a second..

E/c eyes darted down and on your body to see you looked normal like before.

"Whats wrong?" Your Mother asked but looked almost as if she realized something. "Oh! This is for you, I think it may be from a friend of yours.

Leaning over she took something out of her bag to be a red box with a Black and White ribbon. Handing it over to you your hands worked carefully on the little box as you held the ribbon in your hand before opening the red lid.

A black and White candy was inside along with a black and white feather, and a folded up note with what looked to have small tears as if someone struggled to fold or write it, but had something in the way.

Taking out the candy and feather your Mother stared at the two objects then waited as you read the note.


I hope that we can play another game together. But next time, More Sexual~


A blush creped on your cheeks as you read the letter over and over again. "Who is it?" You Mom asked after you folded the letter back up and held it in your hand.

"From a Friend of mine."

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