~ KNIFE!!~

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"You can have fun with me forever now Y/n! And whats better! Is now you can never. Leave." Jack laughed out as you were dragged to one of the nearby tents that just so happened to be full of Puppets. The painted and dug out eyes staring at you. Pain chipping off from the wood as some oven looked to have been burned with a match. Your eyes were as wide as saucers as Jack dragged you past them. The flaps swayed gently as you and him left that horror tent.

You whimpered as he pulled you sharply to the left, digging his claws in deeper. Blood flowed down from the wound and onto the ground, your soft flesh sure to have scars after.

Jacks insane smile never leaving his black lips and you stuck your tongue out in disgust as you thought about when he had kissed you.

You let him Kiss you! You trusted him... even after you knew he was a murderer..

You're a fucking moron! Scolding your self mentally you almost hit a pole but regained attention and quickly swerved away from it.

Music growing stronger as you neared the center of the Carnival. The speakers above you singing the song Pop goes the Weasel loud and clear.

That song was making you sick to your Stomach as Jack went into the main flaps.

Crowds of mutilated and bloody children cheered from the seats as Jack walked in with you. He waved to them in a show man like way and grinned. Hands beating against his claws as you tried to rip his grip off of you.

You were not going to stay here! You just couldn't! Home ! Your mother! Your Friends! That were probably worried about you!

No! You can't die in this freak show, by the claws of a psycho clown!

The clown.... That was your best friend... and more..

His grip tightened at Jacks normally happy face curled into a big frown. "Where do you think you are going Y/n? You're the Main event!" He giggled malevolently. Your e/c eyes widened in fear as he dragged you on stage and strapped you onto a spinning wheel. Your gaze wandered around as you whipped your head from side to side.

A set of knives rested by Jack as he bowed to the cheering crowd of what used to be children.

"Boys and Girls welcome to the greatest show around!" Jack began bowing. "I have a very special show today so lets all have some FUN!" He cackles out and fear grips every part of your body.

What kind of fun... No... You look at the knives that he has next to him and back at the spinning wheel. It was colored black and white with deep knife gouges and dried blood on it.

He was going to use you as target practice!

The restraints made from thick metal so that ever time you moved they dug deep into your skin.

But not caring at the time as blood flowed from the new wounds, pain searing you.

Jack grinned and walked over to where you were held. "Ready for the FUN Y/n?" He grinned and turned before you had the chance to answer.


Your eyes were forced to watch as he started the show off with breathing fire. Then as it went on it got more gory.

He laughed insanely as a alive child cried from being sawed in half. The eyes rolled to the back of its skull.

This was enough to make you vomit as it fell onto the floor below.

Jack smile widened even further as he grabbed the tray of knives. "And now for the main event!" He cheered and turned to you.

Horror gripped you as you were spun around so fast everything was a blur of color. You screamed as a knife embedded itself deep into your arm, blood flowing out. LJ laughed as he threw another one, a flash of silver against the light.

You screamed again as it hit the same spot as the other one. Your vision dizzy but you could just see the white of bone. The tender tissue under was torn and bloody. Fire would have felt like pleasure to you as you let out another scream, this time the blade impaling you in the stomach.

Your vision became blurred as cold numbness seemed over you. Your head tilted up to see Jack trip as he threw a knife.

It swirled in the air headed straight at your head!

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