Chapter 3

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Ok. It's 4:30. About an hour left before you meet the hottest guy at your school. What are you going to wear?

I thought to myself. Hmmm, what to wear what to wear. I would've asked my mom for fashion help, but she hasn't been back since last week. I scanned my closet for ideas.

4:55. Hurrry uuuuppp!!

I finally picked out a brown jacket with a caramel colored kami. Along with black tights and brown Uggs. "Boom!" I whispered to myself as i checked out my outfit in the mirror.

*Buzz!* I walked over to my phone. I picked it up and entered my pin. I got a message from Unknown.

Unknown: Hey.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: Tyler. Where we meetin?

Me: idk, where do you want to meet?

Tyler: Surprise me ;)

Me: How about the park?

Tyler: Sure.

I was actually kind of speechless. I set my phone down, but quickly picked up back up again to text one more IMPORTANT question.

Me: how the hell did you get my number?!

Tyler: i have my ways ;)

Ok, didn't make me feel that much better but, it'll do. I checked the time.
5:20. I grabbed my purse, keys, phone, and books. I headed out in my white Sedan. A car i bought with some money my mom sent me a year ago.

It took me about 8 minutes to get to the park. A lot of other cars were parked in the woods, idiots. Just asking for a bear attack.

I parked on the grass and made my way up the hill to the picnic bench. I took out my books and checked the time. 5:32.

I was scrolling through my text messages when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see a incredibly hot Tyler standing there. He had a nervous smile and his hands were in his front pockets.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and turned to page 678 in my math textbook. "Oh, i didn't bring a book, mind if I share with you?" Tyler asked.

I scooted over but Tyler didn't sit down. He stared at me, smirking. "Damn, your cute too, I almost feel bad for doing this to you". "What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.
"Now guys!" Tyler yelled and ran onto the bushes. Suddenly I was ambushed by 5 guys, including Tyler. They all had water balloons in their hands.

I took a look at each of the guys, I recognized all of them from school, but there was one I really recognized,

Lawrence stood there with a smirk on his face throwing a water balloon up in the air and catching it again. I gasped.

"Sorry princess but this was the perfect opportunity to show you who I am" Tyler said. He walked circles around me, still smirking.

"So let me introduce myself and my crew. I'm Tyler, you know me already babe" he winked at me. I tried not to blush. "These dudes, are Thomas, Theo, Henry, and Lawrence, the newest member of the crew."

He gestured a hand toward Lawrence, who cocked his head to the side and smirked even more.

"Now I know you thought you were gonna get some of Tyler tonight but oh no baby that ain't happenin'. So we've decided to show you that me and you....are a no go. Soak her guys!"

He commanded his crew. All of them immediately started throwing the water balloons at me, soaking my clothes and hair. They only had about 2 balloons each, so it didn't last long.

I stood paralyzed. I was soaking wet, and cold. The wind blew stronger and stronger every second, causing me to get colder. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered.

Tyler ran around high-fiving his buddies. He gave Lawrence the biggest high-five of all. A double-hand down low. He whispered something into Lawrences's ear. They both smiled devishly.

Lawrence came up to me and opened his arms. Just as I thought he was about to give me a hug, he popped a water balloon down my back!

I shivered even more.

"So know you know, you CANNOT get with the Tyler Moore!" Tyler announced. He started to walk off, his crew following him.

I watched Lawrence walk off with them laughing. One of them even called out, "What a thirsty bitch!".

I ran to my car. I jumped in and drove home, trying to see through my blurry vision from crying.

I didn't go to school today, or the next day, or the next. I couldn't face Tyler...... or Lawrence.


I picked up my phone. It was Valerie.

Valerie: Why aren't you at school??! IM DYING!

Me: Oh Lawrence didnt tell u what happened? That dickface is probably to scared.

Valerie: What happened?

Me: Tyler and his crew, which included Lawrence, ambushed me with water balloons

Valerie: omg, i am going to kill Lawrence. Lucky for him he showed up today

Me: just let his ass be

Valerie: ill come buy tomorrow night to come see you ok?

Me: ok

I put down the phone. I buried my face in my pillow. What am I going do?


That's it for that chapter. What did ya think??????

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