Chapter 21 (Ending)

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"Before I die? What are you talking about? It's a car, tell me where you are right now. I can come get you"
She told me. I can't hear her voice Rn, the time is ticking. If she drives any longer that car will explode into pieces. T

That's Lawrence's car..
"Please, walk"
"Walk? If I'm in danger in a car what makes you think I'm safer on foot?"
She won't listen, I remember I fell in love with her stubbornness. Now I wish she would listen to me.

I see a text come through on

"She's got 30 seconds"

"Mia..get OUT OF THE CAR"
"Dude, I'll speed up. Tell me where you are.
"Tyler, we're safe. It's me. Let me come get you" She said with a slight laugh. I'll never hear that laugh again in about 17 seconds. Why won't she listen to me...
"Mia you'll- *ding!*
"Tell her and both of you die."
I tear up, I can't control it, she won't listen..
Her life is more important than mine ever was, 10 seconds.
I hung up.

Bad choice.

I hear the front door unlock. Heavy footsteps make the upstairs shake.

Mia's POV
Explode?! I swing open the car door and grab my bag & weapons all in the same motion. I dive out and let the car go down the highway. I see flames spark as it gets further down the road until momentum gives out. It sits there for a second.


I dive into the ground and cover my head with my bag. Even though the car was kinda far away, I still felt a wave of heat down my back. I then feel a burning sensation on my lower back. Hot metal, I squirm and stand as the metal falls to the ground, glowing orange. Shit.

I started on foot, I don't know how far I have, I don't even know where I'm going. It's dark, kinda cold, I look at Kiaras phone. I try calling Tyler back to let him know I'm ok, no answer. I get a notification from some app
"TY has left BASE"

What? I click on it, a full map blows up. A little red dot with Tyler's picture above it moves about the map In different directions. Not only could they be watched by Mr. Wright, they could watch each other.

The dot was moving fast, was he running? Driving? I click on the dot out of curiosity. The option "TUNE IN AUDIO" pops up. I click on it

*panting* "Leave me alone! I'm out of the game. I'm out! I'm out! Don't hurt me! Please!" *pant* *pant*

He's running. Mr. Wright.
I look on the map, I'm 45 minutes away from him. I start running knowing I won't make it to him alive within 45 minutes. I keep running, no one is out here but me it seems. I'm not gonna be able to save him. Tears stream down my face as I pick up the pace. My bat with spikes scrapes my ankle, I don't care.

I start to remember him, the water balloon stunt, his hugs, his voice. I remember him..I remember us? Was there a us? There was definitely an us.

There was also a her. I remember Kiara, how she stepped in. Yes, it wasn't real, but it was there.

He slept with her
He hugged her
He kissed her
He left me for her
I killed her..
Not because I needed to. I knew she was gonna help me. I wanted to. It was fun.
I grinned, and sped up running. I looked at the tracker, I'd forgot about Tyler being in danger so quickly. The red dot had stopped moving.
I clicked tune in again

The audio was the slightest of breathing. You could barely hear it. That could mean so many different things.
"Let him die, he was with her. Remember"
What? No. I love him a lot. He can't die.
"She wouldn't let him die either. Remember her"
I can't get over the fact that she's dead. It's like she's still here. Still in his mind, maybe I can make him forget her.
I check the tracker app again. The dot still isn't moving, but I'm 15 minutes away. Track paid off in middle school. I see other cars now, I'm sure none of them will give a girl holding a bat a ride anywhere. I understand. I slow down to walking, 10 minuets.

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