Chapter 14

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I was pacing back and forth. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't escape! There were no windows, the door was locked and Lawrence has left me here with a family of rodents. I could call anyone, I'm pretty sure there was nobody else in the house, I was......hopeless. I slid down to my knees and sobbed, I was stuck here. No food, no water, no phone, no anything.
A big rat raced over my foot, I yelled in a annoying and disgust. I looked at the balled up blankets on my bed, I had to sleep there...
I walked over to the bed, and started eating the blankets with my hand. A flood of roaches and other bugs came crawling out. I threw the bug infested blanket in the corner on the floor. I'll just have to be without a blanket tonight.

I lay on my stone hard bed. So....uncomfortable. I wish I was at home in MY bed, resting peacefully. I took an attempt to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, but it didn't work. I couldn't sleep here yet I was so tired. Turning to lay on my back, I stare at the roof.
My best friend.....kidnapped me, and abandoned me. Left me here to die. Maybe I-Jingle! Jingle!
The doorbell jingled. Somebody was unlocking the door, would I be set free? Lawrence burst in, his expression was unreadable. He glared at me, then looked at the blanket I had thrown in the corner. "So I provide you with a blanket....and you throw it in a fucking corner?".  He asked me sternly, it's my room, can't I do what I want to it? I looked at him, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to sleep under a bug infested blanket. I don't want to get a disease. And you didn't really provide me with it, what you really did was just ball up a blanket and throw it on the bed." I told him. His jaw tensed and his hands balled up into fist.
"I provided you with a bed, a blanket and air. Be happy I let you live." He shook his fist at me.
"The only thing you provided me with was a buggy room, a blanket, and a rock to lay on. No food, no water, no other people, no cell phone." I said.
"Why the fuck would I give you a cell phone?" The face he was making told me that I just messed up. "Why would I give you a cell phone?" He repeated. I didn't answer, I just turned to my side. I heard him breath loudly,  he was obviously getting angry.
"I'm going to give you answer my question. Why would I give you a cell phone?" He asked. But i still ignored him. I didn't have time for this.
There was silence. Then I heard loud footsteps coming towards the bed. I felt a sharp pain in my head and looked up to see Lawrence pulling my hair. "DONT IGNORE ME!" He yelled. Pulling me by my hair he yanked me off the bed and dragged me out of the room. Soon he threw me into another room and closed the door behind him. I was thrown into a chair and strapped down. The room looked similar to the one where I was just in.

I struggled to get my hands free but it was no use. The more I struggled the more tighter the clamps grew. Lawrence walked back and fourth in front of me, a sick smirk plastered on to his face. "You fucked up. You know the rules, but yet you chose not to follow them."
A closet was on the corner next to the rock bed. Apparently all of these rooms have "almost" all of the same features. Lawrence dug around a bit, then he pulls out a long, black cord. It was and extension cord. And it had blood on it.

He walked closer to me. He studied my arms and legs, a twisted look crossed his face. "This will fun...for me" he said. My breath hitched, what was he going to do?

He raised the extension cord and swung at me, a stinging pain shot through my arm. I hissed in pain. He did this a second time, then a third, then as many times as I couldn't count. He beat me with the extension cord for about 30 minutes, then he left. I looked down at my arms, the was blood dripping from them, cuts and bruises were all over me.

He beat me...

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