Chapter 8

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Hey guys. I remember in one of the chapters I said that Brandon had light brown eyes. Sorry bout that, he has blue My writing skills lol. Also at the top is a pic of Lawrence, Welp, let's jump into the story.


*Lawrence's POV*

I've always loved Mia. I told her I was gay to cover it up, and I asked all of my friends to pretend to be my boyfriend. Everyone at the school knew that except for Mia. I never told Mia because...I just didn't want her to know. At the party, I tried my best to avoid Mia, then I saw Tyler take her upstairs and I thought the worst. What if Tyler...never mind.

I looked at Mia. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was opened. I know she was shocked, but I hope she loves me back. "So, what do you say, want to be my girlfriend Mia?" I asked filled with hope. She started to say something, but the doorbell rang. Wonder Fucking Full.

She ran to answer it while I stood there patiently. I heard her laugh and turned around to see Tyler standing there.

*Tyler's POV*

I finally got out of Liaza's sight. That bitch is crazy, why did I go out with her? I drove to Mia's house to ask her about what happened to our tutoring session today. I was worried about her. I also wanted to give her phone back before I lost it or something.

When I showed up and told her about Liaza, she burst out laughing. I was about to hand her her phone when I saw Lawrence come around the corner. My jaw clenched, how long was he here. Yeah Lawrence was new to the crew, but Mia's my friend, I really don't like this. Mia took her phone and looked at me and Lawrence. He looked at me with cold eyes.

"Are you guys ok?" Mia asked. I'm starting to realize why Mia didn't show up today. "So this is why you weren't at tutoring?" I asked her still looking at the nigga. "What are you talking about Tyler?" She asked me playing dumb. I pushed her aside and walked to where Lawrence was.

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about!" I shouted at her. She gasped. "So you skip our time together to invite this guy over so you two can do what? What were you doing?" I asked. I was mad at them both. Lawrence knew Mia was my friend, basically my best friend. He knew how I felt and betrayed me and way.

"Dude I just got here chill" Lawrence said. I wasn't going to fucking chill. "No! I want to know what you two were doing and now!" I shouted. They stayed silent. "You know what, fuck this shit. You two are lying. I made a mistake getting involved with you two. Don't fucking talk to me, don't fucking call me. Lawrence, your out of the crew, and Mia....your not my fucking friend anymore. Neither of you two better not even fucking look at me or I will punch the shit outta you!" I stormed out.

On my way out the door I saw Mia crying. It broke my heart, but Mia betrayed me by doing whatever with Lawrence. My best thought was that they were having sex, and that Mia had decided not to come tutor me. I bet that's the only reason she wanted to become my friend, to fuck my whole crew.

*Lawrence POV*

I hurried over to Mia, she was crying. I didn't want her to cry, it was that jerk's fault. If he hadn't come here, Mia and I would've been out on a date already. "Mia are you ok? Can I get you some- No Lawrence" she cut me off.

"You don't want anything?" I asked concerned.

"No, I don't want to be your girlfriend." she said. I was filled with mixed emotions. Hurt, jealousy, and anger. I was angry that she didn't want to be my girlfriend. What the fuck did I do?

"Why not?" I asked. She wiped her eyes and looked at me. "Because" she started. "I don't want to be with you. I just don't think it's right. Neither is it healthy for our friendship" she said bluntly.

"What the fuck? What the hell are you talking about I'm perfect for your Mia!" I shouted.

"Yeah but what if you lie to me like you've been? What is you really are gay, or bisexual, and this is just ANOTHER LIE?" she said.

"I only lied to your ass for this moment Mia! You haven't caught on yet have you? All those times I've called you cute, I meant it! Of course I would say I was joking! I didn't want you to know. You've thought I was gay I was gay this whole time I'n not Mia! I fucking love you! Your beautiful, pretty, smart, of course I would love you!" I exclaimed. I wanted her to believe me.

" is my final answer. Please leave." She pointed to the door. I glared at her. "Bitch. I was seeing if I could get in your pants anyway." with that I stormed out.

Of course, I regret what I said. I love Mia, and I will make her mine, no matter what it takes. I made my way to the park to get some fresh air. I parked my car on the grass and made my way to the park bench on top of the hill. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a girl sitting there. She had long dark hair and was about 4'9.

I sat down across from her on the park bench, she looked at me then quickly turned away. I got a look at her face. She was ok, but not a pretty as Mia. Suddenly a master plan popped into my head.

"Don't turn away from me baby girl" I said smirking. She stood up and I noticed how fucking skinny she was. I mean damn, Mia is thick and now I'm flirting with this toothpick.

She sat next to me a giggled. "What's your name darling?" I asked swiping a piece of hair from her face. "Liaza" she said. Her breath stunk, like he had been drinking. I almost choked when I got a facefull of it. Don't worry, all part of the plan.

"That's sexy. Just like you" I said biting my bottom lip. She blushed and scooted over close to me. I cupped my hand on her cheek and leaned in. I crashed my lips against hers. She gasped and then kissed back. She wrapped her arms around mine. We stood up not breaking the kiss, I grabbed her butt and picked her up.

I pulled away and put her down. She looked at me with dark eyes. "Wanna go to my place" I asked twisting her waist a little. She shook her head no. "I'm busy today, how about tomorrow?" she said. I nodded and winked. She giggled and walked off. Part one of my plan complete.

*Mia's POV*

The next day at school I avoided Tyler and Lawrence. I tried talking to Mr. Wright about not being Tyler's tutor anymore. He said he'll think it over. I've lost two of my best friends, one of them because of a stupid crush.

I made my way to my next period. In the hallway I saw Valerie, I haven't seen her in a while. "Hey Vals" I said. She looked up from the paper she was writing on and smiled at me. "Hey! What happened to you? You haven't been answering your phone."she asked. I realized that I haven't turned my phone since Tyler gave it back to me. I took it out and held the button. In a couple of seconds the little white apple appeared in he middle of the screen. This thing still had power?

When my phone was fully on, I looked at the battery and saw it was fully charged. Tyler must have charged it. So nice.. The phone automatically started buzzing from all of the notifications I missed. I saw 5 calls from Valerie, 6 text from Valerie, 3 voice mails from Valerie...and one text from Tyler. I typed in my passcode and read the text from Tyler:

Hey. Just wanted to say thanks for betraying me. I regret what I said and sorry for calling you names, but I'm still upset. Remember, don't look at me, don't talk to me.

I must have had a sad look on my face because Valerie walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you ok?" she asked. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I missed Tyler.

"He...He-Hey! You two! Get to class!" I was cut off by the school assistant principal, Ms. Brunt. I stormed off to class Valerie following behind me. I knocked on the door to Mr. Wrights room while Valerie was across the hall going into her own classroom. I entered the class and made my way to my seat.

Tyler and his crew all looked toward me. Tyler stared at me with cold eyes, and the rest of the group just looked back toward Mr. Wright. I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing. I felt eyes on me but I didn't dare look up.

At the end of class I packed up my things and rushed out.


Would it be ok for me to write steamy scenes for this book? I was thinking about making another book for this one with all the mature scenes in it. I just thought it would be kinda awkward to just put it out there u know? Let me know in the comments!

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