Chapter 6

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*BTW, i'm typing on my computer this time, so this chapter and the rest from now on should be longer and more interesting ;).

As he slowly removed his mask, my breath quickened. What if this is some crazy psycho guy? UGH. Where's a water balloon when you need one?

He revealed his face. "Tyler?" I whispered.

"Yeah..." was all he replied. Ok...... so THIS is the thing I don't get, you pin me to the wall, basically DRAG me into a room, shut (AND LOCK) the door, show your face, and all you say is 'yeah'? You have GOT to be kidding. But, I was still mad at Tyler for that little "stunt" he pulled. He really needs help with his grades, all I had to do was teach him the stuff, and all he had to do was listen.

"Mia? Can I ask you something?" Tyler said snapping me back to reality. I didn't want to hear it, my thoughts just made me realize how mad I was.

"No. Because as for you, I don't feel like getting pranked again." I snapped. He looked at me in astonishment.

"Mia I brung you up here to ask you a question....." he said roughly.

"Don't bother Tyler. You know what, let's just not fucking talk to each other. How about that? That would be the best wouldn't it? Not Talking?" I gave him a sly smile.

"Mia what are you so angry about" his face softened.

"ABOUT YOU FREAKING THROWING WATER BALLOONS AT ME! ABOUT YOU BEING SUCH A JERK!" I screamed. This guy was acting like a true idiot right now.

"Mia I said I was sorry. Please let me explain".

I rolled my eyes at him. He sighed. I got up and started to walk out. My life was already horrible, I didn't need this. With my mom abandoning, and me having nobody to turn to, this was not a good thing to add to that.

I was about to turn the doorknob when I spun in the other direction, my face directly in front of Tyler's. Ok then.

He stood there breathing, the minty breath tickling my nose. Well isn't this nice? Being face-to-face with the boy I hate. Oh, and his hands were on my hips.

"What?" I gritted my teeth. I looked straight into his eyes.

"Mia, please. Let me tell you-"

"Tyler just stop."

After hearing that, he removed one hand from my hip, but kept the other one there with a tight grip. He brought his free hand up to my cheek, and stared at me. His eyes darkened and he leaned in. Was he about to kiss me?

He came to my ear and whispered, "I didn't mean to, if you let me explain, you'll know why." he backed away sitting back on the bed looking at me with those intense eyes that hypnotize me. Soon enough, I was stumbling my dumbass over to the bed to sit with him. He avoided eye contact, instead he stared down at the floor.

"Mia, I didn't do that to you. Well, I did but, it wasn' You've met my whole crew right? Apparently Theo set up something with this guy to earn some extra cash. We decided it was ok until Theo said we had to prank someone. This had to be done by Friday, or we wouldn't get the money and..Theo would be killed."

I bit my lip. I was starting to feel guilty about the stuff I had said to him. I didn't know it was that big of a deal. "Why did you guys choose ME though?" I asked.

Tyler chuckled. He looked up, his blue eyes locking on my hazel ones. We stared for a moment. "You were our only hope Mia. If you decided not to show up at the meeting, or not tutor me at all, Theo would be dead." he said with a straight face.

"Ok, so why were all of you so mean and cruel about it? One of you called me a thirsty bitch!" I exclaimed. I was starting to get angry again. Tyler took my hand. "We had to, we were being...listened to. See the guy Theo bargained with was pretty hardcore. Any task he gave you had to be done perfectly. So, to be sure that is done, he plants cameras and microphones on your outfit, just to make sure you weren't doing anything wrong. He's very strict about time. If you waste his, your wasted." he finished. He looked at me with that sad expression again. It made me want to cry.

"Why are you so sad?" i finally asked. He smiled.

"I'm not sad. I'm just....I don't know" he shook his head.

"Oh" was all I managed to say. "Now about that question I was going to ask you" Tyler stated. I ahd forgotten about that. "Now that you know the truth, want to be friends?" he asked with a pleading look. The face he was making was adorable. I giggled. "Yes. And I will still be tutoring you." I smiled. He smiled back.

He stood up and smooth his blue tux. He pulled his mask over his face, and walked out. Well then. I made my down back to the party. I was actually GLAD to be here now. somehow that 'talk' had uplifted my spirits. I spotted Valerie standing alone in the corner.

"Valerie!" I shouted over the booming music. She looked my way and smiled. She stuck her hand way up high in the air and waved like I was on the other side of a mountain. Haha, Oh Valerie.

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