Chapter 4

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*Valerie up top^*

Two days later

I decided to go to school today. What's the worst that could happen? Yeah I may get laughed at by Tyler...and weird stuff may happen between me and Lawrence.

Whatever! Just ignore Tyler and be mad at Lawrence. Pretty easy right? I got up from my comfy bed I've been in for the past 5 days.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and threw on some light makeup. I put on a brown high-low shirt with skinny jeans and some Timberlands. I put on my jacket and bookbag and walked out.

I got in my car and turned in on. I sat there as the engine ran. Suddenly I had second thoughts about going to
school. What if everyone knows about the event that happened?

Oh well. Just deal with it.

I walked into my class. Only a couple of students were there. I groaned when I saw Tyler and his crew in the back. I say down and tried my best to ignore them, but they were laughing too loud.

All of the students came in, Mr. Wright still hadn't came in the class. So everyone was talking, throwing balls of paper, the usual.

I felt eyes on me, I looked over to Tyler, he stared at me a while with a sad look on his face, then turned away. Ugh. He made me sick with all the fronting.

Mr. Wright finally came in and started teaching class. When class was over, I rushed out of class.

I met Valerie in the middle of the hall. Her face was tearstained.

"Valerie... Were you crying?" I asked my voice filled with worry.

"No. Yes." She answered

"What happened?"



"Ok! Ok! I talked to Lawrence and...he said he didn't care how you felt. He said he's part of Tyler's crew now. And that nobody can stop him. He said forget our friendship. Then he slapped me for no reason.." Valerie chocked back words.

Then she broke out crying. I hugged her tightly. I was stunned. What the hell was wrong with Lawrence? Why did he join Tyler's crew?

"Hey, you two, get to class!" A teacher yelled. I let go of Valerie and she rushed to class. I did the same.


Lawrence's POV
*Btw this is back to this morning*

I woke up still feeling bad for what I did to Mia. My phone rung and Tyler's name popped up on the screen. I picked up.

"Wasssupp dude! Still hangin over about it huh? Try it get over it dude!

"Dude you know I can't do that. Mia is my friend. And you know how I feel about her. "

"She thinks your gay. She'll never notice"

"Yeah but now that I did what I did. I'm still pissed at you guys for drugging me."

"Yeah but it was only to teach her a lesson."

"A bad lesson."

" I feel bad too bro. Well I'll see at school. We sound like complete girls now."


I hung up and got ready for school.

I couldn't face Mia or Valerie today. I tried really hard not to make eye contact, but Valerie came and started talking to me about what happened.

"Hey Lawrence"


"So Mia-"

"Don't talk to me about her. I'm part of Tyler's crew now. Nobody can stop that or me."

"Lawrence I..."

Before she could speak, I slapped her. I don't know why, I just did. She stepped back and started to cry. I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't mean to do what I did. I ran to class.

Mystery person's POV

I watched as Valerie got slapped. I felt bad. I wanted to step in and fix this problem, but.....i couldn't. This friendship is falling apart.

I have to save it before they end up like the others.

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