Chapter 12

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-Have you got him reeled in yet?


-Hey, why are you sounding all sad?

-I don't want to do this anymore!

-Dont RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! You KNOW why we have to do this shit! No if's, and's or but's about it! You fucking agreed on this! Now you stick with the plan. Got it?


-And if you mess this up I'll kill you so fast you won't even be able to scream.


*At School*

*Mia's POV*

"Yo! Mia!" I heard somebody call my name as I walked down the hallway. I turned around to see a lit up Lawrence. His eyes were bright, and he was smiling a toothy smile. It was creepy, yet funny. "Hey." I said. "I got you a present! Open it!" He handed me a neatly wrapped box with poka dot paper. I slowly tore it open, while Lawrence just stood there smiling his toothy smile.

I pulled out a plastic box with a slice of red velvet cake in it. How did he know red velvet was my favorite? Because I was starving, I quickly snatched open the box, and took a huge bite out of the cake. "Woah, hungry much?" Lawrence backed away like I was some kind of animal, I slowly shook my head yes. What? I skipped breakfast ok? Lawrence let out a chuckle, and motioned for me to come over to him.

"Soo, how was your day?" he asked trying to start a conversation. I closed up my box of cake. "It's OK. I failed my history test, and that's all."I responded with a sigh. I studied hard for that quiz, but our teacher put something TOTALLY different on the test. That bitch!

"Ha, don't worry I failed that too. What class do you have next?" I slung his arm around me, it felt...weird. "I got to math next, even though I really don't want to go." I whined. I HATED math, I swear my math teacher, Mr.Burden, is a pedophile.

"Shall we skip?" Lawrence asked me. Somehow, we ended up at the back entrance of the school. I had never skipped class before, but I knew Lawrence did it all the time. I mean, could it be THAT bad? It's just one class, it's not the end of the world.

"I'd be glad to." I stepped in front of him and swung open the door. He laughed, we both walked out and darted to his car......which was parked in the back for some reason.

"Why is your car parked in the back of the school?" I asked as we hopped in. "What do you mean? You know how many fucking stealers there are here? If I park my car in the front, this shit will be gone." He turned the car on, I laughed at the stupid face he was making. Suddenly he turned to me, and gave me a deep look.

"Kiss me." he ordered. Wtf? "Uhhh, no?" I held up my hands blocking my face, but that didn't do any good. He just snatched them away, pinning them down to my legs and giving me an awful look. "Look here! You are MY BITCH! You do WHATEVER I say, and things won't get complicated. Give me what I want, and this relationship will work out smoothly, I was going to see if you would do this without me having to tell you, but it looks like you need some rules." He stared at me a moment, then reached down under me into the glove compartment. He pulled put a stapled stack of papers, and handed them to me. He closed the compartment and grabbed the steering wheel tightly, and stomping on the gas. He zoomed out of the school parking lot.

"Read them." He told me and I did:

Rules & Expectations of Lawrence Price

If the owner of this document , Lawrence Price, comes to the conclusion that he wishes to claim you, or keep you under his will, there will be not restrictions or restraints from his actions or words.
Mr. Price will not accept any rude behavior. Any attempts to fight or escape will lead to severe punishment. These punishments may include:


Death may involve family or loved ones, also, the deaths will be murder. Lock-ups will involve the hostage to be tied or chained up and locked away. Lock-ups involve starvation, indicating that the locked up hostage will not eat for as many days Mr. Price desires. Beatings will be given during the night time. Beatings may include whips, switches, belts, and wires. A majority of the beatings will leave bruises, cuts, and marks.

For safety purposes, please sign below in ink your name.


I was terrified. Lawrence has....changed. Ever since he found out that I had been tutoring Tyler, he's turned all dark. When we were kids, Lawrence hated things like this. He didn't like seeing things like this happening, especially to women. If he saw a woman get hit, he would cry and cry, and now he's doing it himself! Just like when he slapped Valerie.......

We were now on the highway, and I was getting car sick. "Did you read them?" He asked in a low tone. I didn't answer, I didn't feel like answering. "Him" I heard him chuckle, "That's  number one."

"What the hell do you mean, 'that's number one'?" I asked annoyed at all his secrets and codes. "It means that you just earned yourself one beating for not answering me. And there goes another one for cursing. I guess your gonna have to learn the hard way." He narrowed his eyes.

"Please no! Please don't give me a beating please Lawrence!" I cupped my hands together, tears pricking at my eyes. I know I sounded weak begging, but I did not want any beatings.

"Damn. Your off the hook THIS TIME because its your first, and because you sound soooooooo sexy when you beg." He said extending his O's. I sighed in relief, saved. But still, where was all this coming from?


Hey! SO Sorry I haven't updated in a while, a lot of stuff has been going on. I'll try harder! And again, I'm very sorry! Thank you guys so much for all the support! Love you! Bye✌✌

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