Chapter 19

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Mia's P.O.V
I was beginning to grow dizzy, I haven't eaten anything but the moldy scraps they throw on me, I haven't slept. I haven't had contact with my family in weeks. I'm close to death I think, I can no longer function. I want to go home.
Sometimes I can hear their loud music as they sit out there. Sometimes I can hear other people's voices, they don't know about this room. They don't know me, I'm too weak to scream for help so I just sit there.

Lawrence's P.O.V
I stood over her unconscious body, I didn't know what room I was going to put Valarie in. I just needed to let them know that I'd done my job. I've already wasted my bosses time, I'm on thin ice.

I lifted her up and threw her in the trunk of my car and closed it shut. Hopefully no one had seen me, we can't have the police on our case.
I called Tyler to see where he was. After his big suicide scene in the classroom, he had done nothing but drawn attention to all of us.

*Phone Convo*

Tyler: "Hello?"
Lawrence: "Where are you?"
Tyler: At home, why? Am I needed?
Lawrence: "Oh nooo, it's just that you were supposed to be here to help me carry Valarie back to the cabin!"
Tyler: Man I'm not doing any of this anymore. I'm out of this game, I can't do it. This whole trick we're playing on girls just to get them into Mr. Wright's hands. It's sick, really sick. When we leave the cabin who knows what he does to those girls?"
Lawrence: Tyler you can't just bail out. We've been doing this for years you can't turn back. You signed that contract, you have to stick with it unless you want them to take you down
Tyler: I guess they'll have to take me down.

Tyler's P.O.V
I gathered my gear a looked at the clock, 11:30pm. I went to my dads room, as he lay in bed passed out drunk I searched for his gun. I found it in a drawer next to a pack of bullets. I loaded it and stuck the extras into my bag. I need to save Valarie, Mia, and any other girls that are in the fucked up cabin.

I got in my car and started driving. I felt like I was being followed, I saw headlights behind me but I thought nothing of them. Then I noticed that they were making all the same turns as me, every lane I switched to they switched to it too. I couldn't go to the cabin with someone following me. I pulled over into a dark alleyway and watched as they pulled up behind me. I grabbed the gun from the passenger seat and hid it behind my back as I stepped out.

A dark figure stepped out of the other car, he or she had on a large black trench coat with a hat. I couldn't make out the face.
"Aye who you?" I tried my best not to sound like a bitch.
"You know who I am Idiot. Where the hell are you going? And why didn't you do your job earlier?" A rough male voice barked at me.
"Mr. Wright?" I asked. He walked towards me and the headlights from his car exposed his body and face. "Yeah it's me hello hello, what are you doing?"

He slowly moved his hand behind his back and I heard something click. "Listen man, I'm done. I quit. I'm not capturing girls so that you can do little your little sick activities with them. I'm out, all the way out."
"You can't be out you signed the contract." He said to me.
"I don't give A FUCK about a contract! You're SICK, EVIL, and something is wrong with you" I stood my ground. He stared at me and laughed. "You must've forgotten what was actually IN the contract son." He said. "You break your word, you DIE" he reeled out a gun from behind him and started firing. I tried to run to my car but I tripped and fell. I could still hear his shots being fired as I scrambled to my feet

A bolt of pain shot through my lower back and I fell back to the ground
I became dizzy...
Everything became dark...
I could no longer feel anything

Lawrence's P.O.V
I felt it..
My heart started to ache and my stomach started to burn as I felt the pain of my fellow brother. 

He broke it....he broke the contract. 

I don't know whether to keep quiet or say something, or maybe I should just disappear completely. Maybe I should leave.....

"Aye, stay here. I gotta go to the bathroom" I said to Kiara.

"You good?" She asked me....that's cute, it seems like she cares. We've sacrificed together, cried together, shit....we've been beaten together. I'm going to miss her lots. But if I've lost my brother I'll loose her too, all because of some bullshit contract. 

I gave her a nod and headed towards the bathroom. I grabbed the pocket knife off one of the shelves on the way. I went In and closed the door, I didn't feel like locking it. I grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol from underneath the sink and sat on the toilet. I patted my arm with two fingers to wake up my veins. I drenched a couple squares of tissue with the alcohol and rubbed the cold liquid up and down my arm. The cuts and scrapes that I had before started to burn like fire, I didn't care. I flicked the knife open and I started putting pressure on my arm. I placed the knife on one of my biggest veins, I started digging the knife in. 

I didn't want to do it but I had to 

The voices were taking over my head..

They kept telling me I had to...

I feel lie im going crazy and there's no one to help me 

Everyone is dead and it's my fault

I stabbed my arm and drug it through all the way down to my wrist. I watched the blood pour out of my arm as I fell. 

Kiara's POV

I heard a loud thud in the bathroom, maybe that bitch escaped. 

"Lawrence what the fuck are you doing? You always take hours in the bathroom what the hell!" I banged on the door receiving no answer. Surprisingly the door was unlocked, I pushed it open. 

"La-" I froze. I could no longer breathe, I couldn't unsee it.

He still held the knife in his left hand while his right arm poured out blood. His lifeless body lay out on the floor as his eyes are slit. "Lawrence?" I prayed that it wasn't real. I asked him if everything was ok and he said yes....what did I miss? I couldn't think as I stared at him, I couldn't even cry. Why Lawrence? Why? 

I picked up my phone:

TO GROUPCHAT: Guys.......

EVERYONE: What? What happened?

TO GROUPCHAT: Lawrence..


"Why Lawrence? Why?"

I'm deleting the other book btw

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