Chapter 16

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"Who is that?" I tried to ask Lawrence as he still had his back towards me. Soon, I saw the girl with the cute ass dimple and flawless hair peer around the corner.
"Kiara? What are you doing here?!" I asked her. I didn't know how to feel. I was angry, surprised, and scared at the same time. If Kiara was here, then where was Tyler??
"'ve DONE IT AGAIN" Kiara yelled to the top of her lungs. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to I swear. I got...angry." Lawrence looked up at her as she glared at him. "Lawrence you're NOT supposed to hurt them! We are here to keep them SAFE. Not hurt them ourselves!" Kiara was outraged, I thought she was so sweet and nice...she was so mean to Lawrence. He looked like he was about to cry, I almost felt bad for him. But then I took another look at my arms.
"Okay, what is going on?" I asked them both, I expected an answer this time. "Why am I here? What am I being protected from? Why did you have to KIDNAP ME?!" I yelled millions of questions at them.
"MIA...SHUT THE FUCK UP" Lawrence yelled at me. He brung his hand up in slapping position, but Kiara cleared her throat and he stopped. Then she walked towards me and lit a hand on my shoulder.
" Don't worry Mia, everything is fine. You're going to be safe here".

"Aren't you supposed to be with Tyler?" I snarled. She left him back at home all by
himself. He's probably worried about her, he doesn't give a damn about me though.
*Back at Hillary High School

"She hasn't been here for a while, neither has Lawrence or the new girl." Said a boy in the back of the class. Mr Wrights face went pale. "Students, we need to get to the bottom of this. Something isn't right, check your social medias and missed calls. See if there's any trace of them. I've never had...missing students before. This is scary, please do your best locate them and I'll do the same" Mr. Wright instructed the students.
"Hey wait, Tyler! Isn't Mia your tutor?" Someone asked him.

*Tyler's POV
"Isn't Mia your tutor?"
This made me realize....she wasn't just my tutor. She never was just my tutor. She was mine. She was my everything, I loved her. Kiara was cool, but Mia was out of this universe.
Now she's gone.......
"Yeah she was my tutor.....and I lost her. We need to get her back. If we don't get her back....."

People stared at me, waiting. Waiting for me to finish what i was going to say. I'm "he most popular boy in school" so everyone was listening. I don't want to be this anymore, I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy. I want...Mia.
"If we don't get her back....I'm committing suicide..." I said what needed to be said.

Even if those were my last words.....
New chapters coming soon I promise

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