Chapter 17

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*Back at the Cabin

(Mia's POV)

I still don't understand why Kiara and Lawrence are here together. Are they working together? Are they both prisoners? I need answers, no matter what it takes.

"LAWRENCE! KIARA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. They both came rushing in, looking around the room to see if anything was wrong.

"What the hell do you want?" Kiara asked in a rude tone. Lawrence squinted his eyes at me.

"I want answers...NOW" I said firmly. I might get whipped or beaten or tortured....but I don't give a FUCK. At least I'll have my dirt on these two. I know DAMN well I'm not gonna let them kill me.

Kiara laughed that little laugh of hers. "You want answers huh?" She smirked. "I'll give you answers. Lawrence and I work for 'the big guy'. He's our boss. We do our job and we won't be punished. I'm his favorite of course".
Lawrence shot a look at her. "No the hell you're not. Liaza is!" He exclaimed.

Kiara shot him a death glare. "No the hell shes not! Just because she sucks his dick everyday doesn't mean she's the best worker."
I was so confused. Who's liaza? Who's the big guy?

"Who's your boss?" I asked. Lawrence shut his eyes as if he was in pain. "Theo got us into this shit" he whispered. "It was all him..."

What was he talking about?
"Theo? Theo did what?"
Kiara must've read my mind, she started to give me all the details. "When Theo set up that thing the get extra cash, he knew that I'd be in on it. He knew that I'd be transferring to your school soon. He knew that Lawrence would be forced to join the crew. He knew it all. He didn't wanna do this, he just had to save his own life. He knew that you were our target. You're smart, pretty, and you have what we're looking for."

"What are you looking for that I have?" I asked. There's nothing special about me.
Lawrence looked me up and down while biting his lip. Kiara stared me dead in the eyes. Finally Lawrence broke the silence by saying, "Your looks".
My looks? They want me for my looks? Why?
"Why do you want me for my looks? Who do I look like?". I asked them
"You look the the big guys wife. He is crazy about his wife....literally. He captures girls that look like her and he keeps them. The only reason why he does this is because she's gone."

"She died?"
Kiara replied, "Yeah, she was murdered a few years ago. Big guy was devastated...he went crazy. It started with his daughter, since she resembled her mothers looks. He took her....locked her up in a cabin. Kept her there with food and water. But she wasn't the same as his wife. He wanted his wife back, not a copied version. He's been capturing girls for years. That's why he's a teacher, he's looking for his next target."

I thought for a moment. A teacher? If I was the target....then that means...
"Mr. Wright?"

"Yeah" Kiara said. "We all work for him. He's had his eye on you for a long time Mia."

"Why'd he bring Tyler into it?" I asked.

"Tyler doesn't really work for him. He's just used as bait. Wright uses his looks to reel in girls. Tyler pretends to be this hot boy with low grades, so that smart girls like you will tutor him." Lawrence explained.

What? Why? Why is this happening? Why can't shit just be normal?

"Well that's enough of the Q&A. Lawrence we have a meeting to go to. Mia...don't try any funny shit.." Kiara said. Her and Lawrence both left out of the room...closing and locking the door behind them.

I need to get out of here.
Issa update

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