Chapter 13

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"You sound soooooo sexy when you beg". Those words rung in my head for the rest of the long car drive. I don't know where we were going, but i knew that Lawrence was kidnapping me. Taking me somewhere were he might beat me, rape me, kill me...

"Lawrence, where are we going?" My voice was quiet and soft. He sideways glanced at me, but didn't answer me. Perfect.
2 hours later
"Mia get out" I sat up straight. Had I'd fallen asleep? Maybe. Lawrence got out of the car and slammed the door hard. I got out and looked around. In front of me was a wooden cabin. It had porch lights and benches in the front yard. To the left of the cabin a few steps down was hill that led to a lake. The moon glistened and it was a beautiful sight. Was this where I was going?

I felt a sharp paint go through my arm and I whimpered. Lawrence stood there grasping my hand and pulling me along behind him. Heading towards the cabin. He didn't loosen his grip when we got to the door. With his free hand he dug around in his front jean pocket. He pulled out a gold key and jammed it in the door. After getting the door open he pushed me inside then slammed the door closed.

The cabin was very worn down on the inside. No couches, no chairs, no tables. It was just a front room with a stack of newspapers in the middle of the floor. "Come on." Lawrence said as he pushed past me. Quickly, I followed him around a corner to a hallway. It had about four different doors going down then one single door at the end of it. Lawrence led me to the second room on the right. And unlocked the door with the same golden key he used to unlock the cabin. "This is your room and your not allowed to come out until I tell you to." He stood to the side allowing me to walk in.

I took my first steps into the room, a raggedy bed was placed in the corner with red blankets balled up on top of it. The walls were a pale blue, smeared with a few brown streaks. A dark stain of.....brown something was in the middle of the metal floor, mice and roaches ran everywhere, even on top of the bed. Was I supposed to live here? I turned around to Lawrence who stood there smirking.

"I'm sorry but I think you gave me the wrong room. I didn't order any rodents." I said to him. His smirk dropped into a serious face. He walked towards me and grabbed me by my chin.
"Look here. You don't order shit! This is your room and you will sleep in here wether you fucking like it or not! Fold up the damn blankets and go to bed!" He basically threw my face the opposite direction, almost breaking my neck. He gave me one last glare, then walked out and slammed the door shut. I heard a click, he locked the door.

What the hell was that?! First, it went from skipping school to kidnapping me and locking me in a damp, smelly room! He went from best friend, to my boyfriend, to my kiddnapper.

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