Chapter 30 Do you remeber Anna Green?

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Sorry guys but I need to take a small break I don't have any motivation/inspiration and I have a lot of homework due really soon and don't have time to write or read anything and I have writers block.

And I know I haven't been updating as often as I should be, but my life has been kinda chaotic recently. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I have a crap ton of home-work.

I gotta do like 3 book reports for the same class, why 3? like seriously, its only english class, at least seperate the due dates, like every month or something.

Anyway I'm really sorry, please don't be mad. And also I'll still be updating, it just won't be everyday, I will eventually start updating daily again, but just wait for that announcement.

What did she mean do I know anybody by the name of Anna Green? She was my best friend from my childhood. But she doesn't know that, hmmmmm....


"Do you know... Anna Green, lord of Old Haven?"

"She's a lord now? Wow."

"Yes she is, and I am her head guard."

"Why are you here? Shouldn't she have sent her second in command?"

"Normally yes, but..."


"There is an illness going around, some have already parished. Don't worry, she was quarantined for her safety as well as everybody else who has contracted the illness."

"So why are you telling me all this?"

"Because Aphmau, Lord Anna would like to see you, and believes you can cure the epidemic."

"What?! Why would she think I can do that?"

"She knew your real mother Aphmau, and so did I, but for different reasons."

"What kind of reasons?"

"Your mother sent me to this realm to be your 'guardian angel' but she didn't know where you were, and neither did I, so when I found Anna I decided to stand by her side as her guard, she knows all of this as well, and protect her whilst searching for you. And at long last, we have found you."

"That still doesn't explain why or how I can cure this illness."

"Aphmau, you have a very powerful Magicks, more powerful than your own mother, and your most talented at healing Magicks, now come we must A Tokyo ghoul, swim club, and OARON highschool host clubhurry if we are to save the people of Old Haven."

"I can't leave now, I still have much to do."

"We will leave at 8:00 sharp, tommorrow morning, until then M'Lady."

Before we left she slid an envelope across the table to me.

"Don't open it until you are alone in your room."

"Okay but why?"

"Its from Anna, for your eyes only. I'm not aloud to see even it."

"Okay, I can wait"

Then we walked back to my house and went to our rooms, me to mine, and her to the guest room. I couldn't sleep, all I could do was think about seeing Anna again.

How did she know I was Lady Irene's daughter? Why did she know I was Lady Irene's daughter? This doesn't make any sense. Well, I guess we were best friends.

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