Ch -8-RishTi ki shaadi....

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Shanaya's POV
"Haldi kaha hai ...?!?!," (where is the tumeric paste?),tanushree's mother aka my bua shouted while i was bringing it.She is one snobby person, i must say ,she dislikes the idea of me being in the family. Even when it was my first day in the house she utterly disliked me.
She gave me a look and took more like snatched the vessel away from my hands.
Kriti frowned but i signalled her to stay quiet.
The haldi rasam(an indian wedding ritual where bride and groom have turmeric paste applied to them by females of the family ) started...
First all the chachis,mamis and buas (the females in the family)applied haldi on di.
Then the first person to apply haldi should be sister of the bride according to our custom so mom signalled me to go ahead.
Suddenly , bua stopped me and said to mom,"Let Tanushree go she is the real blood of the family not her."She gave me a dirty look as if i had soiled the family by being a part of it. I was hurt and broken by her remark but i chose not to speak and made way for Tanushree who snatched the haldi vessel from my hands.
Kriti was about to speak something when I glared at her and told her not to. I was about to turn and go to my room as tears were threatening to fall but I didnt want to create drama in front of everyone.
Suddenly Di spoke up,"Shanaya stop ...!!"
I kept walking.
I stopped , I had to.
She faced bua and asked in a very calm voice,"Bua ,will you tell a little more about this rasam please ?",sarcasm evident in her voice.
Dad also wasnt stopping her neither mom ,what was happening ? I couldnt understand.
"This....this is all about proving how much a sister loves another sister who is getting married and about the times they have had together , the friendly fights,the gossips and life decisions they took together,and how much will they miss each other on this parting." ,Bua said stammering because Di was constantly glaring at her.
"OH REALLY!!!",Di faked excitement coupled with sarcasm.
"Then Bua it should definately be Shanaya who should apply haldi because she was their when I wanted to jump in excitement about my CS graduation..not tanushree ,she was the one when there for me when i was disheartened ...not tanushree , she was the one there to taste every type of stupid dish i served her when i was learning to cook ...not tanushree , and she will miss me even more than mom and dad ..that i am very sure about. She is my family because sometimes we see how blood relations really are *eyeing tanushree* and thank god she isnt really into this family blood what if she was something like you?",Di completed her lecture ,the room being in pin drop silence.
Bua shouted ,"Drishti !! MIND YOUR LANGUAGE . You are fighting for me for this girl who doesnt even deserve to be a part of this family and ..."
Before she could speak more Di interuppted in a bitchy tone, "bua my stubborn nature is a gift of this family's genes ".."One more thing..either Shanaya applies haldi first or we dont perform the rasam only",Di further said making herself clear.
I nudged her on the elbow.She said to me,"No chotu not this time ..till when will all of them not accept you? "
It was useless to argue with her.
I looked at dad to say something to her.He said, "No Shanaya beta ...not this time , Drishti is right and Rinku(bua's name ) we all are very proud of her and very blessed to have her in the family."
"Really bhaiya?! (Really brother?!)Then why did you even invite us if you wanted to insult us that way !!" ,bua shouted at dad ,and continued ,"Come tanushree lets leave .."

Tanushree was leaving behind her mom when Kriti came in her way,"Miss Tanny ..would you be kind enough to hand me over the haldi ?", she asked in a bitchy tone pointing at the vessel of haldi .
She handed it moreover threw it in Kriti's
Kriti handed the bowl to me and as if nothing had happened Di went back and sat on the stool where her haldi rasam was taking place and mom signalled me to go and apply haldi.
Di said to everyone in a very normal cheerful tone ,"why did singing and dancing and festive mood stop ...guys lets enjoy !!"
I wnt to apply haldi teary eyed and mouthed thank you to Di while applying the haldi. She gave me a hug and the haldi came on my cheek. Everyone laughed but Kriti couldnt stop laughing and took a picture of me in her phone.
I smacked a handful of haldi on her cheeks and soon every youngster present was playing holi with haldi ....
Bua and Tanushree went to stay in a hotel and were leaving the next day for Surat, the city where they lived
****evening time ... mehendi rasam ...***
I was going to mom-dad's room and called up Di to come over there before mehendi and all the functions start.

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