Ch-22-Resurfacing feelings

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Song of the chappy~Jaane nahi denge tuhje from 3 idiots

※※Next Evening※※
Shanaya's POV
"Shanaya dear, Are you too tired?",asked mA e wom when I returned from the hospital.
"Not that much! Anything to be done?",I asked.
"Yeah, there is some old stuff of Drishti that she needs, so go to their place and please give it to them?", mom requested.
"Sure mom",I replied and told her to get the things I had to deliver.
I will meet her too.
Oh God! How can I forget? Sid will also be there and I havent been able to even argue with him since he asked that out of the blue question~ WHAT ABOUT ME?
I shrugged thoughts out of my mind. It is my sister's home too and I am going, Thats it..
On the way to their house, one question still kept lingering in my mind and ringing in my ears..WHAT ABOUT ME...? Why? Why did he ask that?
I still hadnt talked to Abhimanyu l, neither has he contacted me.But I will confront him this time. I have decided that.
With all this thoughts I reached their house.
I entered and saw their maidservant Raju kaka and told him, "please Drishti Di ko bula dijiye",with a smile.
He smiled back and went to call her whilst me standing there itself infront of the staircase of their house, it was of the kind they show in movies, really grand and of Marble mateiral so 100 times slippery.
And the person I was so damn reluctant to confront came talking to someone on his phone on the edge of the staircase.
As soon as he saw me, he did something really peculiar.
He switched his phone to the speaker mode and spoke in a manner that I could hear.
"Hi Kay!",He told wryly smiling at me.
She said something that was highly inaudible.
I know eavesdropping is a bad habit but I still did it anyway, if he wanted to prove that he was great that he conversed with Kiyara and if he was trying to make me jealous, I would make all his attempts fail.
"Okay Yeah sure!"He said laughing, like I didnt know that he was fake laughing.
I kept my smile on which was affecting him and getting him irritated.
He said to her, "okay talk to you later..Bye LOVE YOU!",He said emphasizing on the last words.

He then looked at me and asked sarcastically, "Why dont you show me enough of your double standards at hospital that you had to be here?"
"Kind reminder to you! My sister lives here, I am here to meet her!",I gave it back to him.
He moved a little ahead to argue with me and.........

He slipped of the staircase with head first and his head got in sharp contact with the edge of the pointed staircase and banged there and there came rolling down the semi-unconcious body of the guy I just fought with, the guy who despised me, the guy whom I loved...

"SIDDDHARTTH!!!!",came the immediate scream from within me and I rushed to him without thinking anything, I could not think of anything else at the moment.

3rd person's POV
Shanaya rushed to take Sid's head in her lap.
Patting his cheeks and not being able to control her tears, Shanaya kept on saying, "Sid..Open your eyes!!"
And there immediately ran everyone from all directions hearing Shanaya's scream.
Rishabh had just returned from Office and was eerily still on the doorstep and couldnt comprehend words.
His mom was shocked and was crying whilst trying to bring back Rishabh from his trance.
Drishti called the ambulance.
Shanaya kept on trying her best to wake him up and he had his eyes half open and he occasionally answered in a low pitch, "hmm.."
Her green Kurta was all smeared in red blood, but her presence of mind prompted her something.
She tore her Kurta's bottom, to which a very panicked Sid's mom asked, "Now what is that Shanaya?!"
"If we tie the bleeding portion blood loss will be less, because blood loss will complicate the case.", She said in a calm manner.
The ambulance had reached and they rushed to CIMS hospital.
For a strange reason he never left Shanaya's hand.
"Shanaya!!! WHY IS HE CLOSING HIS EYES!!", Rishabh asked scared in the ambulamce.
"Sid ...SID DONTT!! Sid the case will go really critical!!!!!!",Shanaya patted his cheeks and called out to him.

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