ch-18-Parting Ways

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Song of the chapter~Yaar Mod do(Link given in Media..Plis listen to this punjabi song on frndshippp It is so so amazing !)
3rd persons POV
Shanaya woke up with her head still buried in Kriti's lap.Kriti had stayed over to comfort her.
Her head felt heavy and her eyes were puffy.She had slept for only about an hour or so.She woke up and held her head.
Kriti woke up with a start.
Shanaya got memories from the night before.
She sighed heavily.
"I will make coffee for both of us",Kriti said straightfaced.
"I will freshen up.",Shanaya said.
Kriti smiled and went to make coffee.
Shanaya went to see herself in the mirror.She scrunched her nose at her condition.
Her hair was in a mess would be an understatement.She was still wearing her attire from last night.The material of her clothing was creased.She sighed again.
Her thoughts were all engulfed around the last night.
It would have been easy if emotions got drained out of humans somehow,she thought.
She had a bath freshened up and wore her pajamas.
She skipped going to CIMS today.
She called up Preeti and told her that she wasnt well and was sleepy.Preeti asked vague questions ,which she didnt get like:
→What kept you up all night? Someone's thoughts?
→What !!how will you tell me the experience ?
Etc etc etc.....
Kriti had already made the coffee and the caffeine made Shanaya feel better with the headache.
Sunrays into his eyes woke him up.
Sid realised while showering anger on Shanaya,he fell asleep in the balcony itself.
His head hurt and his back too because he slept in sitting position.
He glanced at the watch and realised he still had half an hour to get ready for college.
He decided to not think anything right now and go to CIMs to get his mind of many things.
He got up and got ready.
"Mom I am leaving !",He called out to his mom.
"Okay and yesterday Vishal went away saying that whenever you wake up..You need to call him he has to tell you something I guess.",His mom said.
"Okay will talk to him.",Sid said and left.
Driving the car wasnt easy that day.He kept on getting reminiscence of the night before.The events that tore apart an amazing friendship.
He parked his car and entered the lecture hall.There was a seat empty next to Preeti.He sighed,he knew tjat she will ask a truckload of questions.
"HIIII!!!!", Preeti shouted excited.
"Hey",Sid said straight faced.
Preeti frowned ,never had she seen Sid in such a done-with-the-universe face but before she could talk to him Dr. Jaitely entered the class and their classes started.
He was talking about some really interesting topics today but Sid only pretended to take notes and pay attention.He just couldnt take the classes today with the headache he had.
Again he didnt even have Shanaya to irritate in the class as usual.
Again, he remembered her.
He ought not to.He asked himself was he so so dependant on her?
No.He could handle himself.
"Bye Kriyu.Thank you for everything",Shanaya smiled or rather tried to smile.
"I am going but remember I am just a call away",Kriti instructed her for the millionth time.
"Leave",Shanaya said with a stern face.
Kriti left.
Shanaya didnt know what to do.Alot was on her mind. Even more emotions bottled up.She felt weird.
Poor Shanaya didnt realise bottling up emotions was not being strong but being wrong, that emotions will surely erupt one day and then no one will be able to stop the misery of her heart that fine day.

She sighed once again for the trillionth time and thought that her fast decision was going to be the best decision at the moment.
Yes ,she thought she was strong and decided to move on.. by ?
By shifting to Paris Medical College.
Sid was sipping coffee in the canteen very silently.
He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts when Preeti came from behind and suddenly pulled his ears ,"SIDDD!!!kaisaaaa Rahaaaa??",She said in a singsong manner.
"Preeti STOP!!! ",Sid said literally irritated.
"Oh my god! Shit! Sorry i didnt want to shout on you ! So sorry there are a lots of things in my mind right now !",Sid immediately said sorry.
Preeti smiled.
"Its okay! Anything wrong? You know you can tell me right?",She said.
Sid told her everything, well except Abhimanyu's part ofcourse.They might not be talking to each other and maybe she thought he wasnt trustworthy but he would prove her wrong.He would never indulge into her secrets.

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