Ch-21-Vishal's Party

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Song of the chapter~ Humari Adhoori kahani from movie HAMARI ADHOORI KAHANI
Shanaya's POV
It was now one week of my being in India.
Enough of enjoyment done.
Now lets get back to our goals.
I went to CIMS on the very next day after coming back from Paris.
Jaitely sir, Preeti and Piyush welcomed me with open arms. I am not saying that I didnt feel good in Paris Medical college.
But this place was home to me.
A home that I will always come back to no matter where I am headed.A place whose wind kisses me with every breath I take❤..
I was joining back CIMS as a part of the prestigious 'Doctor team',i.e.,the seniormost heads after the trustees.
This team had a reputation all over India.
I was joining from today itself.
I reached CIMS.
The new doctor team was to be appointed from today, so I was as well excited to know who all I would be working with.
We were all called to the auditorium to meet our colleagues and for a work briefing session with Jaitely sir.
"Hii Shanu!",Preeti and Piyush chorused.
"Hiii Preeyush!!!",I told greeting them back.
"Preeyush?:/",Piyush asked me confused.
"Preeti+Piyush=Preeyush",I explained.
They giggled at me.
I shruged my shoulders.
I looked around at the people present in the hall.
Few from my batch, few new faces.
Among all this faces I saw a face approaching us.I hated this face.
My face lost all of its color.
He smiled at Preeti and Piyush.
I saw mirrored expressions as mine as soon as he saw me.
"Hi Preeyush!",He told them.
My mind stopped functioning for a second.
Preeti and Piyush chuckled.
"What is up with you two and shipping people?",Preeti asked pointing at us.
"Like minded peeps!",Piyush said smiling.
"No I dont run away!",Sid taunted.
Thats it.
"Also I dont break trust!",I snapped back.
"Hey Listen!", he tried to snap at me.
"Guys chill!!",Preeti said interuppting in between.
I gave him a look.
"Guys khadoos is here!",Piyush informed us.
I took my seat very next to Preeti and he took it next to Piyush.
"Good morning!,Here I welcome you all to the Doctor team!",Jaitely sir opened the speech and continued explaining our work, our shifts, etc.
This was my dream job and it was finally happening.
I was so happy that finally I get to do what I always wanted to, with all amazing people.
Well not all, almost I must say.
On the brighter side I get to head the neurology section with Preeti! What could be better?
We all proceeded to our cabins, My cabin was simple and elegant like I always wanted.Simple with attitude change? That is what you must be thinking but the truth is..
I still am a nerd,
I still love my nerd specs,
I still love my old wardrobe,
I had to stop hurting myself.
I had to go through a metamorphosis.
I dont know if I should believe in this or not but sometimes...
I feel..
Material love is an illusion,
People falling for one another? Just an infactuation, Maybe..
Because love is not being with the person love is being there for them..There is a difference.
I dont know what it is , but the harder i try the more I love Sid.I hate myself so much for this.
"PUSH BACK THOSE THOUGHTS NOW!!",my conscience screamed from within.
Occupied with all work and getting accquainted with it, I didnt realise when it was lunch time.
"Come Shanaya lets have lunch!",Preeti said barging in my cabin.
Friends I tell you....
"Okay!But there is an option of knocking!",I reminded her.
She gave me the typical one eyebrow raised stare.
"Fine I lose !",I shouted.
We went to the canteen where Piyush and Sid were already there.
Sid? No. I cant do this to myself.
I moved a step back.
Preeti held onto my hand, "Stay for me",she whispered.
Did I have an option?

3rd person's POV
Siddharth saw Preeti and Shanaya approaching to the table, where he and Piyush were seated.
His heart stirred again.
"Are you stupid enough to still love her?",Brain asked.
"She did not trust you",subconscious reminded.
"Give it a shot!",heart whispered hopeful.
Sid shruged away his random thoughts.
"Hi Piyush",Shanaya said completely ignoring him.
"Hi Siddd!",Preeti said batting her lashes and lighting up the mood.
Sid laughed heartily for the first time in a while.
Shanaya's eyes twinkled at the joy at his lips.
"Shanaya , Sid what will you take?",Piyush asked as he was going to get orders for everybody.
They never split the bill, whosoever feels like,pays.
"Strong coffee and cheese vegetable sandwich!",they chorused.
Immediately looked at one another.
Maybe a few things never change.
"Umm..Got it!",Piyush went away smirking.
"Piyu I will help you get the orders.",preeti said leaving sid and shanaya alone.
There was silence, for the first time an uncomfortable one.
"Shanaya!",Kriti called showing out of nowhere. There was Vishal with her.
"Hey you guys! Yaha kaise?",She asked surprised.
"We thought to congratulate all of you on being a part of doctor team.",Vishal informed.
Meanwhile Preeti and Piyush joined them.
"Look what we got for you Shanu!",Kriti exclaimed.
They both moved away and there came in sight, Abhimanyu!
"Abhi!!!",Shanaya stood up and went to hug him.
"Who is he?",Piyush asked excited.
"He is my school best friend , Abhimanyu Tripathi.",Shanaya informed them.
Sid suddenly looked at him.
He came to know who Abhi was.
"My brain was right..Always right",He thought heartbroken.
How could she go back to the guy who..who molested her? Who broke her trust?
Double standard kahinki!
"And thats ...Preeti and Piyush!",She meanwhile introduced them.
"And that guy?",Abhi pointed at sid.
"Thats.....",before Vishal could complete , someone shouted, "SIDDHARTH!!",and everybody turned around.
"KAYYY!",Sid got up and ran to embrace her.
Shanaya's feet felt that the ground had slipped from beneath.
Vishal and Kriti were shocked would be an understatement.
Abhi looked at Shanaya and she looked back .
"Preeti Piyush..Thats Kiyara",Sid ignored the rest of the mass, Sid glanced at Shanaya and continued, "My girlfriend, the one you met over skype!",He smirked at Shanaya.
Shanaya clenched her fist, controlling her emotions seemed so hard today.
"HEY!! Shanaya ? Abhimanyu? Vishal and Kriti??,Am I right ?",She asked.
"Yeah!",Abhimanyu said letting out a little sigh.
"You know them?",Sid asked surprised.
"Yeah..they are from School! ", she told him and glanced at Shanaya saying, "And Who ever forgets the scholar Shanaya Patel?",taunting in a sweet way.
"Sure..",Shanaya replied with a fake smile and Sass.
"Anyways...There is an announcement.",Vishal said diverting an unwanted drama.
"Come Kay lets leave!",Sid said as he was still angry and not sorted with Vishal and Kriti.
"Umm...Sid ..We need you here to listen to us..Once!"Kriti said as he turned to leave.
"Yeah..Lets wait naa...Afterall they are my schoolmates I am meeting after so long ..Please baby for me?",Kiyara requested.
"Hmm..Say fast I have work",Sid said non chalantly."

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