Returning home

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"Good afternoon this message is for Paige Mahoney I'm calling to inform you of the passing of Mr. Rogers you are the heir of his estate could you please return my call" Paige listened to her voicemail. She sighed as the message played, she didn't want to return the call she wanted nothing to even do with her past. Its her past for a reason. "I need a shot and a beer fuck" she said to the person that wasn't there. She slid her work boots on not caring if they were tied and walked out the door.

"Oh Paige your hear pretty early" Ralph said as he started to pour a shot of Jaimeson "Make it a double I've had a rough day" Paige said as she sat down on the bar stool she retrieved her pack of american spirit cigarettes and lit one up. "Wanna talk about it?" He said putting her double shot in front of her along side a glass of guiness "The past is coming back to haunt me, I'm gonna need a few days off I've got to go deal with shit back home" Paige said as she downed her shot. Paige hadn't even thought about the place she grew up. She got out of that shit hole 9 years ago and hasn't returned since not even a phone call. "Anything for you baby girl. What happened" he asked refilling her rocks glass. Ralph was like a father figure to Paige or tried to act like one. She had been working at O'Rileys as a bartender for 8 years. "My uncle finally croaked and I'm the heir on his estate so now I have to go back to that shit hole and take care of this bullshit" Paige said taking a long drag of her smoke. Ralph felt terrible Paige had gone through some pretty serious shit before she packed up her dodge Durango and left for Boston. She never talked much about what happened but Ralph assumed it was pretty bad. She was a sweet kid when she came in looking for a job. She knew how to bartend already so no training WS neneeded. She was the best investment he ever hired. He was never worried on a busy night anymore. There was something about her past he's always tried to figure out. She wasn't like any other girls, she has the mouth of a sailor and the attitude of a native born Irish woman. Nothing stopped her from saying and doing things she wanted. "Paige can you tell me why you moved across the country and why your dreading going back?" Ralph never asked why she did what she did. Paige looked up at Ralph with her emerald green eyes. Paige sighed she knew this question was coming she didn't think it would be 9 years after she had been here. " Bad shit went down back home and I left. On top of everything going on I was supposed to be getting married but I found him in bed with some porno bitch, so I packed my shit and left and never looked back" Paige said looking down "I'm sorry P. That sucks how long were you two together?" He asked pressing for more info. "Since we were little Jax wasy best friend growing up our dads were best friends we had tough times and finally after being together for 5 years we decided to tie the knot. I found him the night before our wedding I went to wish him well for his party and found them, I didn't let him explain, didn't talk to anyone just packed my stuff and left" Paige said not even looking up from the wooden bar top. "That's some tough shit P. I'm sorry have you heard from from since?" Ralph asked "He calls and texts me all the time but I refuse to answer. The only people I kept in touch with was my uncle Bobby and Jaxs mom Gemma she has tried to get me to go back to Charming for years I almost did once but I wasn't ready to look him in his face, I can't talk about this anymore I'm gonna go back upstairs pack my bags and catch the next flight I need to mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to endure, thanks Ralph I'll see you when I get back" she said as she got up and walked out the door.

"Jackson listen to me. Paige is coming home for a few days to deal with her uncles stuff. Can you just not bother her she doesn't want to be here long" Gemma said pouring a cup of coffee. "Mom she is the love of my life,my best friend she hasn't spoken to me since that morning I doubt she will say two words to me" Jax said light up a smoke. "She has every reason not to speak to you if I didn't have to live you I wouldn't talk to you either, that girl gave up everything for you all her life and you shattered her heart into a thousand pieces. I think she was more heart broken when she found you with Ima then when her mother and father died." Gemma said looking sternly at Jax as he looked down at the floor "I know mom I live with that mistake it haunts me everyday, you don't think that I think about what life would be like if I didn't sleep with Ima that night? Where I would be? How many kids we would have? There's days I text her hoping for a response I get my hopes up and they get shot down. There's times I can't look at myself in the mirror because of what I've done. I don't need you around to remind me" Jax said looking at his mother in the eyes. Gemma stepped back she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket she pulled it out and smiled "speak of the devil" she said before she flipped her phone open Jax looked at her intently he yearned to just hear her voice, his heart skipped a beat just knowing she was on the other side of the phone "Hey baby girl what time does your flight come in" Gemma said looking at her son. "I should be there around 9 tomorrow morning my flight leaves here shortly, gemma [sigh] can you have jax pick me up? I'd rather get the convorsation out of the way" Paige said Gemma smiled "Yes of course I'll see you tomorrow baby" Gemma said as she closed her phone. She knows Paige and Jax belong together still after 9 years his son was still madly in love with her. "Be at the airport at 9 tomorrow to pick Paige up don't fucking blow this Jax now is your chance" Gemma said grabbing her purse and walking out the door. Jaxs face lit up like a Christmas tree. Finally the girl of his dreams is returning home to Charming and he will make damn sure she never leaves again.

A/N: how do you like it so far? Do you think Jax is going to screw this up or make it work? Any suggestions you would like to see happen? Please comment!

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