Are you crazy?

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Jax walked into the apartment where Paige was while the club was on lockdown. She was curled up in a ball, she looked cold, he undressed and got under the blanket and snuggled right up to her "I love you" he whispered kissing the top of her head. "Mm love you" she whispered as they both fell asleep.

The next morning Jax and Paige made love before she shipped him off to church he reassured her that they were going to talk later about what he said over the phone. Paige got up and got in the shower and dressed before she made her way out to the main part of the clubhouse. Gemma was sitting at the bar smoking "morning gem. Sleep well?" Paige asked grabbing a banana muffin that Bobby must of made earlier. "I hate sleeping here. The bed in uncomfortable and it smells like pussy in here" Gemma groaned. "Yeah I know. I want to sleep in my own bed hopefully soon" Paige said taking a bite of her muffin "so have you thought of names?" Gemma asked "yeah we've tossed a few around but nothing has stuck yet. Kind of waiting to find out what it is" Paige said eating more of her muffin "I hope it's a boy so he can follow his dad's footsteps, were gonna need another price of Charming soon doll" Gemma said. Paiges thoughts went back to what jax said on the phone. Clay may not be president anymore but Gemma Teller is still the Queen of the sons. And frankly she terrified Paige.

Jax dropped the bags at the door and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Paige followed and instantly laid on the bed "so about last night. When I told you I wanted to leave the club I wasn't joking" jax said facing Paige. "Jax the sons is who you are. You are the president you can't just back out like that you have loyalty to the club" Paige said "but I have to support my family. Family first remember? You and this baby are my family. I can't raise this kid around this life. Going on lockdown at least once a week... I just can't do that to the kid" jax said "so why couldn't I just stay home and you put a patch on us?" Paige said. Jax thought about it "to dangerous" jax said "how? But me being home alone when your out on a run or anything isn't dangerous?" Paige said "I don't know babe I just need to make sure you guys are safe all the time and sometimes I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to" jax said "Jax we will be fine, you know I carry so it's really not that big of a deal. It's not like you won't give us protection I know you will, I don't want you to give up your dream of samcro for me I'm not asking you to do that" Paige said "but babe" jax began "no Jackson I'm not discussing this with you anymore" Paige said as she got up off the bed and went into the bathroom.

The next morning Jax watched at Paige got ready for a day out with Gemma to go get some essential baby items. "Have fun babe" jax kissed her lightly. Paige smiled knowing she was going to have fun. She was super excited to go do some shopping with her future mother in law.

"So Paige do you think this kid will straighten Jackson out?" Gemma asked pushing the small cart through an isle "I'm not sure what you mean by that Gem." Paige asked looking at a onsie "you think he's going to turn his back on his brothers?" Gemma asked stopping to look at a shirt "Gemma I would never ask him to do that. I hope you understand that" Paige asked looking at her "ok baby just want to make sure your not here to cloud his judgement" Gemma asked "God no Gemma this is his live, his lively hood. I could never ask him to give up the club. Ever this is who he is supposed to be he is supposed to be following in JT's footsteps. Don't ever think I'm here to take him away because it will never happen" Paige said looking at Gemma "ok baby just wanted to make sure we were on the same Paige here, because soon you will be the queen" Gemma said "I know, I'm fully aware. Not exactly ready to fill Gemma tellers footsteps but I'm going to give it a shot" Paige laughed "you'll never completely fill them but you'll do a pretty damn good job" Gemma laughed continuing to cruise the isles.

Paige and Gemma were tired. After a long day of shopping for everyone they decided it was time to head home. While stopping at a light a car slightly rear ended them. "What the hell" Gemma said putting the car in park "I'm sure it's just a scratch well exchange info and have the guys fix it tomorrow" Paige said the guy walked over to Gemma's side of the car "hey sorry about that my brakes aren't that great" he said Gemma sighed "its ok let me take a look and well figure out what to do" Gemma said unbuckling. Paige decided to get out as well to have a look. As they walked around the back of the car Paige felt strange she had seen his face before but couldn't remember where "hey your clay and Jaxs old lady's aren't you?" He asked "Yes" both girls said "good now come with me" he said drawing his gun "excuse me?" Gemma said "I said come with me or I'm gonna shoot ya right here" he said pushing the gun towards them "Gemma let's just go I don't really want to be shot today they will find us" Paige said Gemma looked at Paige and reluctantly they started walking back to his car "are you crazy man? Do you have any idea what they are going to do to you?" Paige said then everything went black as she heard Gemma scream.

A/N: sorry it's a short chapter just been a little busy the past few days. Next chapter will be a little longer. What do you think is in store for the future of Paige and Jax? Will he stay with the club or will he leave? He wanted to keep Paige away from danger but seems like it isn't going to happen. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see happen please comment or send me a message :)

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