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Jackson snapped the phone shut for what felt like the millionth time. He'd been trying to get ahold of Paige and she wouldn't answer. He tried calling his mother a few times too but figured she was busy getting dinner ready. It wasn't like Paige to just not answer his calls. He was laying in bed waiting for her when his phone rang "hello?" He said sitting up "Jackie boy you gotta get to the club it's urgent" Chibs said into the phone Jax flipped the phone back shut and left the house

As Jax walked into the club house something felt off. Chibs waved him into church "what's going on boys?" Jax said sitting in the president's chair "well we found Gemma's car on the corner of Hatfield and Durgen no one was in it. Looks like it was rear ended. But still drive able it's on its way here" Chibs said "ok so maybe they walked and their phones died" Jax said "No Jax I don't think so. There was a small amount of blood on the ground behind the car. I dont know who's it is but it was definitely fresh blood" Juice said Jax put his hands over his face. He knew that Paige was going to end up leaving him after this. "Ok then we find out who did it. I'm getting them back tonight" Jax said slamming the gavel down and getting up and going to the bar.

Paige looked around trying to figure out how to escape. Gemma was still passed out from the blow to the head earlier. Paige was gagged and ended up passing out. This was not the time to be tied up. She wondered if this was ever going to end. Gemma started to groan "hey ma" Paige said looking over at Gemma "what the shit happened where's the guys? Why haven't they come to get us?" Gemma said starting to panic "I don't know. I don't even know who took us, I haven't seen anyone since they brought us in here" Paige said trying to free her arms. "Well my kid better hurry his ass up." Gemma said pouting "I'm gonna try to divert them and hopefully I can think of something to get us out of here" Paige said "do what you have to. But we better get out alive" Gemma said. Paige thought for what felt like eternity. She started kicking the floor boards trying to get someones attention. They must of been there alone or so she thought. She heard stomping coming up the stairs the door opened and there stood someone she knew all too well "Paige? Gemma?" The voice asked "Alverez." Paige said "what are you doing in my house? And why are you tied up?" He asked untying them "I don't know someone rear ended us and then took us we both woke up here" Gemma said "let me call the sons something isn't right here I didn't put the hit out on you or anyone you associate with someone set me up to look like I did this, why don't you girls come down and I'll get you some food and you can wash up" he said as they stood up and rubbed their wrists "thank you" they both said as they followed Alverez out of the Attic.

"Guys something is going on someone took the ladies and planted them at Alverezs house. We need to figure out who did it" Jax said sitting in his chair "yeah that's fucked up to try and start something between us. We've been on good graces with the Mexicans and now this?" Chibs said "well Alverez is going to be here shortly with them. We will have a sit down with him and figure this all out. He didn't sound happy when I spoke with him" jax said pausing "this needs to end. Paige is pregnant and she doesn't need this shit first her douche bag ex showing up then her hand and now she got kidnapped. From now on I want a patch on her at all times if I am not with her." Jax said. He knew Paige was going to hate that but he didn't have a choice she was going to end up leaving if something happens again. And that was the last thing he wanted to happen especially since she's pregnant

Paige laid in bed while Jax was in the shower. She was exhausted, she didn't want to talk she just wanted to sleep. But she couldn't. So many things were running through her mind. She didn't want her baby growing up in this life, especially after everything that's happened since she's returned to Charming. She can't do it. She isn't Gemma she can't just let everything slide. She deserves better then this, hell her baby deserves better then this. She didn't know what to do. She loves Jackson with everything she has but is it enough to stay and stick it out? She's pissed cause now she has a patch on her at all times when Jax isn't with her. Granted he's only thinking of her safety but still. Jax walked out of the bathroom and laid next to her. "Babe I know your pissed at me but I can't lose you I don't want anything to happen to you. I know alot of shit has been going on and we have juice looking into everything that happened in the past few weeks I'll get to the bottom of this I promise" jax said "I know. I'm just stuck Jax. Stuck on what I am doing and what I should be doing. How are we going to raise a family like this?" Paige asked "were going to be fine Paige. I promise. Everything is going to work out and we won't need to worry anymore" Jax said touching her belly "I know your saying this to make me feel better but seriously Jackson think about this. I don't want to lose you either but this club isn't doing us any good, yeah we have a nice house and nice things but in reality were always at dangers edge" Paige said sitting up "No someone is doing this to us. I just have to figure out who and I'm going to take care of it" jax said "I'm always a target and once this baby comes out so will it" Paige said getting out of bed "so what your just going to leave?" Jax said getting out of bed. "I don't know Jax. I've got alot of thinking that I need to do. And maybe so do you" Paige said. Jax walked closer to her "babe I know what I want I want a life with you. I want us to have the perfect marriage and perfect family with like 4 kids I don't want anyone else but you. It's always been you Paige you should know that" jax said "our life will never be perfect Jackson. Not with that kutte on your back" Paige said "your going to make me choose?" Jax asked shocked "you'll never make that choice jax. And if you do it will be the club. It's running through your veins it's who you were destined to be. So maybe I need to make that choice for you" Paige said "don't" jax said "I'm sleeping on the couch. I need to think about shit." Paige said grabbing the light blanket off the foot of the bed and walking out to the living room. Jax stood there astonished was Paige really going to make him choose? Was she right that it's in his blood to be in the club? Should he raise a child in this life? He laid down on paiges side of the bed, hoping she was still going to be on the couch in the morning.

A/N: so readers. What do you think? Is she going to stick it out? Is she going to leave? Is jax going to really choose? Feedback please and thank you!!!

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