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Jax sat quietly with Paige, Sky and Riley by his side. Waiting to hear Abel's name over the loud speaker. The one thing Jackson never accomplished was graduate high school and he made Abel push. Every homework, project, and even extra credit. He didn't want Abel to turn out like he did. "Abel Thomas Teller would like to make his valedictorian speech" the announcer said Abel made his way to the podium with his notes. As he cleared his throat he pushed a long lock of blonde hair out of his face
"Wow, you know four years ago I wouldn't of thought that I'd be standing here giving this speech. Four years ago I didn't know anything, not what I wanted to be, if I wanted to go to college, or follow in my father's footsteps. When I was a freshman, the second I stepped into this school i knew instantly that we were going to be the best class Charming High had to offer. Some of the upperclassmen weren't pleasant and the underclassmen we had to take the heat. But we took it like champs. We all struggled to fit in somewhere some how but we did. We all became friends. We had each other's backs no matter what. Now where I come from we call that family. As you all know family is a big part of my life. Considering they are all here. Once I had figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up I brought up the subject at dinner with my parents and sisters. The girls of course laughed at me, but my parents they simply smiled and told me I could be whatever i wanted to be, I wanted to be a lawyer. Now in sure everyone in this room knows my family history. We've dealt with things most of you couldn't handle but we did. We came out on top and that's why I chose to be a lawyer because I wanted to always come out on top. And with all of my classmates help I was able to achieve anything I wanted. Absolutely anything. I mean cmon who would of thought a Teller would be giving the valedictorian speech? No one. But I did. Why because of all of you. I'd like to personally thank each and every person in this room for pushing me. Most of all my pop. He pushed me to a point I thought I was going to give up, but I didn't because I wanted to make him proud. I wanted him to go into work and say 'hell yea my son was the valedictorian of his class' because he deserves it. God couldn't of chosen any better parents for me. They are my rock. As is everyone else's that needed them. Mom and pop without you I couldn't of done this. And to the 2020 class of Charming High I couldn't of done it without you either. Good luck to all of you. I wish you the best in your future. And I'm sure they will tell you. But my parents door is always open for some guidance and possibly a reality check, thank you" Abel said as he stepped away. Everyone in the auditorium stood up and gave Abel a standing ovation. Jax of course was crying. He was so proud. "My baby boy did it Jax" Paige cried "he sure did, babe he sure did" Jax said smiling

Paiges health had some rocky points over the last 17 years. Luckily she was still on the donor list and was able to get a heart transplant about 10 years ago. She was feeling fantastic. She started a small business from home making pretty decent money. Jax on the other hand completely turned the club around and earning legit, so he was depending on cash from owning TM. Gemma passed away about 5 years ago right after Riley turned 10. Abel was constantly concerned about having money to get into a good law school so he worked with Jax for extra money. But little does he know Paige and Jax has stashed money years ago for all of the kids to go to college and of course Gemma left all of her assets to her grandchildren which is paying for Abel's schooling. Sky was, she is the middle child the trouble maker. Just like her father, she is graduating next year but unlike her brother she is barely passing and doesn't want much after high school education, she wants to be like her uncle happy and tattoo. Riley. Now she was something else, she was spunky just like her mother, those two are inseparable. They do everything together. Even though Riley is just now becoming a sophomore she already wants to follow in her big brothers foot steps, jax and Paige can hear them talking some nights about opening the Teller Family Law Firm. Things were finally looking up for them and they couldn't be happier.

Jax and Paige waited for Abel to come home after his graduation party with his friends, they had exciting news to tell him. As they heard the door Creek open both Paige and Jax were sitting at the table "hey mom, pop what are you doing up so late?" Abel asked walking into the kitchen "well son, this came today" jax said handing Abel the envelope he had been waiting for. Abel looked down at it and back up at his parents. "I don't know guys Yale didn't accept me what makes you think Harvard will?" Abel said throwing the envelope on the table "Abel Thomas. Open the damn letter" Paige said handing it back to him. Abel took the letter and slowly opened it his face was blank "well?" Jax asked "they want me to start in the fall. Harvard accepted me!" Abel yelled Jax hugged him tight and so did Paige "were so proud of you Abel, you have no idea" Paige said "but we don't have that kind of money guys, it's alot of money we don't have" Abel said "listen. When grandma Gemma died she left you and your sisters her life insurance policy which totaled at 1.5 million after it was cashed out. We put it into a savings account for the three of you for this reason" jax said Abel looked at his mother. "It's true baby, your going to Harvard" Paige said crying Abel went over and hugged both if his parents. Never in his life did he think he was going to his dream school. As he made his way upstairs Jax pulled Paige into his arms "I told you babe" jax said looking into her eyes "told me what? You've told me alot of things in the past 20 years" Paige said "that we can make it" jax said kissing Paige lightly "I guess you were right." Paige said kissing him back.

**Many years later***

Abel sat in his office, glancing over the file that was just brought into his office by his little sister Riley she sat down in the big chair that was infront of his desk. "What are we going to do about this bro?" Riley asked pushing her red hair behind her ears "I'm not sure yet. Has Sky seen this yet?" Abel asked flipping through the papers "No she's still at court. She's gonna flip out, why didn't they ever tell us?" Riley asked "I don't know kid. I wish I knew why they hid this from us for so long" Abel said closing the file "we've gotta talk to them, this could blow back" Riley said leaning forward "it can't, it was all legal money, I think anyway, were gonna have to talk to Sky she's the district attorney not me I'm just a criminal defense lawyer" Abel said "and I'm a pesky secretary" Riley piped up "send mom and pop a text were coming for a visit, I've gotta talk to dad" Abel said standing up out of his chair. He looked identical to Jackson same facial features and everything. "I'm not doing it you can" Riley said standing up and running out of Abel's office. He sighed he didn't want to bring this up to his parents but he didn't have a choice. He picked up the phone and dialed his mom's phone number "Abel honey how are you?" Paige asked "I'm good ma, listen me and the girls are heading out tomorrow morning I have something I need to show you" Abel said pinching the bridge of his nose just like Jax did. "Oh, what is it baby?" Paige asked concerned "it's about your guys past. It's coming back to haunt you" Abel said "what do you mean? Nothing we did was illegal baby" Paige said into the phone "Zoe Teller is alive" Abel said

Well that is it!!!! It's a wrap! Hope y'all enjoyed it!!

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