Making it

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Jax sat and watched Paige wash the dishes. His life had changed so much in the past 5 years. Abel was starting kindergarten in the fall and little Sky was just turning four. Paige still didn't remember everything but she was still getting there. Her transition home was a little harder then Jax expected, she didn't want much to do with Abel for a few months and they had split up a few times. Until Jax made the harsh decision to send Paige up north with Gemma until he figured out club shit. It wasn't until Sky was about a year old when she finally decided she needed to call Jax. She was so mad at him for making her leave with Gemma. But the 'new' Paige didn't understand the club anymore, it really had upset Jax when she wouldn't understand, but then he had to understand that she couldn't remember. He had this feeling that she was forcing herself to be with him because they were married not because of love anymore, they rarely spoke and when he was up in Northern California visiting she didn't speak much. He watched as she turned around from washing dishes and wiped her hands "can we talk?" Paige asked brushing her hair out of her face "yeah what's on your mind darlin'" jax asked "what is going on with us? You come up here once a month and then just leave? The kids miss you and cry the second you leave" Paige said sitting down "I know, I'm trying to wrap things up so I can just move here but it's not as easy as you think Paige. And what are we? You tell me cause I try and you just ignore me" jax said Paige looked down "I don't know Jax. I know it's been four years but theres so much distance here. All the time. When you call you don't ask me how I am. I'm miserable here, the man I'm supposed to love doesn't show me much affection when he's here. He's not like I remember him" Paige said Jax frowned, she remembers. "You promised Jax. You promised that everything would be ok and it's not." Paige said "I know and I'm sorry. I'm trying to fix things here Paige I really am" jax said "your doing a real shitty job showing it. Why don't you go read the kids bedtime stories and then maybe you should just go" Paige said getting up from the table and walking over to the fridge. Jax got up and slowly walked into the living room where Gemma and the kids were and sat down "she's right Jackson you promised her it would all be over soon and everything would go back to normal and it hasn't" Gemma said "I know ma. She doesn't even want me here" jax said rubbing his hands over his face "listen I'm gonna take the kids upstairs for a bath, why don't you guys go out for a bit, go for a ride or something. She needs her husband" Gemma said taking the kids hands and bringing them upstairs. Jax stood up and walked back out into the kitchen to see Paige sitting on the floor crying "cmon babe. We're gonna go for a ride" jax said pulling Paige up from the floor "to where" Paige asked "doesnt matter, just us" jax said as they walked out the door together

Jax brought Paige to a lake a few miles out of town. Somewhere he found on his way up to escape from reality and think "I know your upset with me and I don't blame you. I know it's not going to mean anything but I promise soon" Jax said walking with Paige to a clearing near the water. "I'm just so confused all the time jax. I don't know if I'm coming or going. I'm supposed to have this amazing support system that you promised me and it's not there anymore. I call and try and talk to you and all I hear is I can't talk right now or I'm busy. Jax if you want this to work you've gotta put forth the effort cause I'm tired of doing it all" Paige said Jax looked at the ground "I know I'm an asshole and I'm sorry that being with me took you to that place" jax said "Jackson do you remember what you told me? You told me never to leave you like your father. But look at what your doing" Paige said. Jax moved closer to Paige"I'm sorry I'm going to change. I can't lose you and those kids, I'm going to leave tonight and fix everything and I'll be completely moved up here in 2 weeks max. We can do this Paige. I know we can." Jax said cupping her face. "I hope so Jackson because I can't be alone for much longer. It's eating me alive, I do love you, you are my husband and I will stand by you no matter what but I can't be with you for much longer. It's either here or there" Paige said "I'll come here" jax said "no. I'm not making you leave your life I've told you this on several occasions, let us come home if you say your done doing the bad shit let us come home" Paige said kissing him lightly.

It took longer then expected for Jax to rid himself from all evil of the club but today was the day Paige was driving home, since then Jax had sold thier old house and bought a new one in a different part of Charming, it was a perfect house for his family. Paige was so excited to hear the news that they were returning home that she had her own exciting news to share with Jax. They were expecting another child, with a paiges heart still on watch the doctor's were slightly concerned but we're positive that she will have a easy pregnancy.

Jax watched the heart monitor as the doctor started Paiges C-Section, the doctor's thought it would be best if they took the baby via C-Section so they could be sure there was no strain against her heart. "Everything is looking good babe" Jax assured Paige "good. I can't wait to see the baby" Paige said Jax leaned down and kissed her "me either. Little shit wouldn't let us see, seems it's gonna be just like thier momma" jax chuckled Paige smiled. "Ok babys out! Daddy you want to cut the cord?" The doctor asked Jax stood up and smiled as the baby began to cry. Jax cut the cord and the nurse handed the baby to Jax so he could show Paige "she looks just like you" Jax smiled Paige kissed the little baby on the head "Abel's going to be so mad he's got another sister" Paige said "I think he's going to be in his glory. I love you Paige" Jax said "No I love you Jackson" Paige said closing her eyes waiting to be able to hold her daughter.

A|N: guess what?!?!! One more chapter! That's all that's left!! Yikes!!! Well.. on to the next one 😉

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