the aftermath

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Jax sat quietly at Paiges bedside. Thinking. That's all he's done for the past 4 months was think. Paige has been in a medical induced coma for 4 months. Because of her to trauma her heart nearly failed by the time Jax was able to call the paramedics, when the paramedics arrived she had two heart attacks, they had been waiting for a heart transplant but nothing had come up. Abel had just celebrated his first birthday and Paige missed it, of course Jackson had told her all about it and everything Abel had received. Jax was at the hospital every chance he had and if Jax wasn't someone was, he wanted to make sure someone was there to know if something happened, him and Gemma had come up with a plan when Paige wakes up and has her surgery. The plan was to get her and Abel out of Charming. She couldn't be put in harm's way anymore, Gemma would accompany her so she wouldn't be lonely. The doctors have suggested that Jax shouldn't hold on anymore finding a match for a heart was going to be very difficult due to her blood type but he wasn't giving up. He didn't want to believe that she was pretty much being kept alive by machines. There was a 40% chance she would wake up and Jax was holding on to that. They were bringing her in for a head CT to monitor her brain activity to see if it has changed since the last time. Over the past three months her brain activity had increased slightly so they still hoped but sometimes hope isn't enough.

Jax was at the club waiting for the results of paiges scan, he needed to get out of there and do something, so he chose to work on his bike while Happy sat with her. He felt like shit making a patch member sit with her all the time but they didn't mind, they all knew what Paige meant to everyone his phone buzzed in his pocket he looked at his phone and it was indeed st Thomas "hello?" He said setting his tool down "Mr teller I have your wife's results" the doctor spoke "ok go ahead" jax said standing up "well, her brain activity increased an incredible amount. Which means she's fighting, her heart is still trying to heal. I want to take her in for a ultrasound to monitor her heart over the course of a few weeks but I need your permission" the doctor said Jax was crying "absolutely, how's the baby?" Jax asked "right we checked her too she's growing perfect" the doctor said "did you say she?" Jax asked excitedly "yes Mr teller your having a little girl" the doctor said "best news I've heard in a while doc. I'll be in tomorrow morning" jax said "ok Mr teller, well see you tomorrow, congratulations" the doctor said hanging up. Jax ran into the office where his mother was "ma I just got off the phone with Paiges doc" jax said out of breath "what's wrong?" Gemma asked standing up "nothing her brain activity increased and its a girl!" Jax yelled Gemma walked over to Jax and hugged him tight "finally a little Paige teller, I'm so happy for you baby" Gemma said kissing his cheek "thanks ma, they are going to monitor her heart over the next few weeks and maybe if she's stable enough they will open her back up and try and fix it" jax said "thank god, I can't wait till were out of Charming" Gemma said sitting down "ma I thought I'd never hear those words come out of your mouth" jax laughed "neither did I, but I can't sit here and watch you have your heart broken every time something happens to her. And she can't raise the two kids alone" Gemma said "thanks ma for doing this, you have no idea what it means to me"Jax said "anything for you and my grandbabies" Gemma said hugging Jax again, Jax decided it was time to go home and put Abel to bed for the night.

Jax walked into Paiges room while a nurse was monitoring her heart rate with the monitor "how is she this morning" he asked setting another bouquet of flowers along the window sill "she's good, look she knows your here" the nurse smiled showing jax Paiges heart rate went up "that's awesome news" jax said leaning down and kissing paiges forehead and sitting down next to her bed and placing a hand on her stomach "the doctor said she should be waking up soon, he ended up bringing her back in this morning and her brain activity is just about back to normal" the nurse smiled "that's amazing I couldn't thank you all enough and I'm sure you'll be relieved from seeing our ugly mugs everyday" jax laughed "we enjoyed having y'all" she said as she walked out Jax kissed paiges forehead "babe I got some good news last night, were having a baby girl, I can't wait to see if she looks like you, god I hope she looks like you, Abel is doing great. Been asking for mama lately he misses you, Christ I miss you. I can't wait to look into those beautiful eyes again" jax said moving some hair out of her face. She had changed so much her hair grew about 10 inches and her obvious pregnant belly was showing. Her fingernails were cut regularly thanks to his mom, if it wasn't for her he wouldn't of been able to get through these past few months "babe I've got a few things to take care of and Abel has a doctor's appointment this afternoon I'll be back after that I promise" jax said kissing her forehead. He couldn't wait until she woke up to give her a kiss.

After a long day Jax really just wanted to go home and relax, Abel was giving him a run for his money, the doctor said he was acting out because he hadn't seen his mother in four long months but Jax didn't want to bring Abel to see her so he wouldn't be scared. As he pulled in the driveway of thier house he saw neeta had already arrived so Jax could go see Paige. He walked in the door and neeta greeted him taking a sleeping Abel from his arms "give that girl my love will you" neeta said "I always do miss neeta thank you" Jax said setting Abel's diaper bag by the door and walking over to his bike. He sat there for a few minutes debating to even go see her. He was mentally drained he needed sleep and alot of it. Starting his bike he knew he made a promise to Paige that he would come back tonight so no matter how tired he was he would fulfill his promise to her

Shortly after Jax had arrived he instantly fell asleep in the chair with his head resting on Paiges bed, he didn't have any clue what time it was but he felt some movement around on the bed. His head shot up and saw Paige grabbing at her tubes in her throat and nose her eyes were wide open "babe calm down let me get the nurse" Jax said pressing the nurse button Paige kept still when Jax put his hand on hers. Her eyes were wide "I'm so happy your awake babe. Abel is going to be so happy" Jax said kissing her forehead Paige just kept her eyes on him not missing anything he was doing The nurse came in "oh! Looks who's awake! Let me get the doctor and we will take out those tubes" the nurse said paging the doctor.

A short time later the doctor had removed the tubes giving Paige something to drink to soothe her throat "Where am I?" She asked "babe your in st Thomas you've been her just over four months" Jax said taking her hand in his but she pulled it away "who are you? And why do you keep calling me babe?" Paige said. Jax looked at the doctor and then back at Paige "paige I'm your husband Jax" jax said "no I'm not married. I don't know anyone named Jax" Paige said "doc?" Jax asked looking back at the doctor "Mrs teller, I'm going to take you in to run a few tests ok?" The doctor said "why are you calling me that?" Paige asked pushing herself up more noticing the protruding stomach "whoa! What is this?" She asked freaking out "that's our daughter, Paige, babe cmon stop with the games" jax said "I seriously have no clue who you are dude so stop calling me Paige and babe" Paige said "Mr teller let me bring her in for the tests. I'll figure out what's going on" the doctor said Jax just nodded as the doctor wheeled paiges bed out of the room. He slumped down into the chair and dialed his mother "baby? How is she?" Gemma asked "she's awake" jax said quietly Gemma squealed through the phone "what's wrong Jackson? Is it the baby?" Gemma asked concerned "no. She doesn't have any clue who I am" jax cried dropping the phone to the floor

A/N: oh. Shit. Let me know what you think!!!! So. This things coming to an end real quick! Chapters have already been written. It's all finished. So I'm taking suggestions on a new story please pm me or comment what y'all would like to read!

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