Lashing Out

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Chapter 1

Paige was furious here she was thinking Jackson Teller would be on fucking time to pick her up. She stood outside smoking her 5th cigarette in an hour. When her phone Buzz's "where the fucking hell are you Teller" Paige says "I was just about to ask you the same fucking question Mahoney I've been driving around looking for you but this is going to sound bad but I just see you now" Jax said hanging up the phone. He hadn't realized who she was the first 3 times he drove by her. She looked so different her once brunette hair was fiery red and down the middle of her back. Her aviators covered her beautiful eyes. He laughed a little as he looked at what she was wearing jean cut off shorts a white wife beater and untied black boots. She was exactly how he remembered her. He pulled his black Chevy Silverado up next to her she threw her duffel back in the bed of the truck and hopped in the front seat. "Always lookin classy babe" Jax said "Jackson always trying to pick up the ladies nothing changes I see" Paige said "I'm sorry I was late, we had a run and when I got back I left to come pick you up why did you ask mom to have me come?" He asked Paige looked at him "Cause I wanted the awkwardness out of the way" she said playing with her black leather band. " Your the one who left without saying goodbye Paige" he said. " I had every reason to my heart was shattered what else was I supposed to do" she asked giving him the look. The look he always knew when he was in trouble " I know and I'm sorry if you ever answered my calls you would know that" he said pulling out of the airport. " I couldn't yet jax I didn't want to hear it. The person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with cheated on me the night before our wedding" Paige said "I know I live with my mistake everyday Paige i wish I never did it" jax said Paige didn't respond she thought about that morning frequently she wishes she would of waitied for him and not caught him. Paige rubbed her temples and put her head back. 'These few days are going to be pure hell' she thought to herself.
Jax watched her as she slept he missed her, every little thing about her.

Paige woke up to the sound of a door closing she looked around to see they were stopped at a gas station. She opened her door and for out, she needed to stretch her legs she looked around and saw they were about an hour away from 'home' she watched Jax walk out of the gas station and flashing that panty dropping smile. God did she miss that she smiled. Jax caught Paige smiling he was positive it was at him. He walked over to her and handed her a monster energy drink "here babe your gonna have a long night" Jax said Paige looked at him like he was crazy "you can't expect to come back to town and not have a welcome home party" Jax said "I'm not here to party Jax this is strictly business" Paige said watching Jax pump gas. "Its Friday Lohens office isn't open today and you need to see him to get the papers so your stuck till at least next week" Jax smiled "fuck me" Paige whispered Jax couldn't hear her but knew exactly what she said and he smiled "where is this stupid party?" She asked "the club house mom is getting it ready everyone is going to be there" he said " fucking wonderful you wanna fill me in on some shit so I don't go in there looking like a moron" she asked as they got back in the truck. Jax started the truck and started to drive "honestly the only thing that's changed is I'm president Clay stepped down a few years ago after a bad drug run that killed a prospect shit was going down long before that so bobby asked for a vote. Clay was pretty pissed that everyone voted against him so he left the club he's still around though him and mom aren't doing good but that's not your concern. Other then that we've got a few new prospects" Jax said "I'm not sure I'm ready to face everyone after leaving like I did" Paige said Jax knew she was tryingnto get out of going " they aren't mad at you trust me I got a good beating from Opie" Jax laughed Opie Jax and her were inseparable growing up Opie was like her big brother "you deserved it Jax you broke me why, why did you do that to me, I loved you since we were kids the first time I met you I said I was going to marry you do you remember that? Then I finally get my day and you had to ruin it for me with some fucking porn chick that you knew I hated" Paige said clearly getting upset. "Paige I'm sorry and no matter how many times I tell you that your not going to believe me, I never wanted it to happen she did this to us she made you hate me" Jax said "don't play the blame game Jax it takes two to tango remember?" She said Jax remembers hearing her say that expression when they were 15 Paige ended up pregnant and Jax blamed her for cheating and then turned the story that she was trying to trap him. Paige ended up delivering still born. But it would of been his daughter. "I know can I make it up to you?" Jax asked Paiges heart dropped "I don't know Jax " Paige said. She looked out the window and shed a single tear. She never stopped loving Jax he was her soulmate as much as she hated him for doing what he did. Jax looked at Paige and set his hand on hers, sparks instantly shot through both of their bodies.

They remained quite the rest of the ride. As Jax pulled into Teller-Morrow there were signs and balloons everywhere people standing outside talking amongst themselves. Paige's eyes grew wide
She took a deep breath as Jax parked and looked at him he smiled and got out. Paige got out of the truck and heard screaming and yelling of her name. The first person to come up to her was Chibs "baby girl my god, glad to have ya back these fuckers can't keep up with this Irish man like you could" he smiled hugging her "they are pussys" she said smiling next was Opie he stood a good foot over her he picked her up in the biggest bear hug "he still loves you your all he still talks about" Opie said kissing her cheek. Paige rolled her eyes everyone followed suit giving hugs and kisses she walked into the clubhouse and sadly it looked the same she went over to the bar and ordered a shot everyone did shots with her. A few hours after talking to everyone Paige found herself in the apartment part of the club house where Jon Teller and her dads bikes were. "Pops and dad i know its been a long time and im sorry i didnt get to say good bye but it was a bad time. I love you both so much and miss you greatly i wish you were still around to tell me what the hell to do. Where am i supposed to be?" Paige said crying "home babe we all need you" she heard. Always spying on her. "Lets talk" he said taking her hand and leading into his dorm room Paige sat down on the bed that felt the same as it did 9 years ago. "Babe you know you belong here you were that glue that held everyone together and it hasn't been the same since you left. You need to put the past in the past and start living your future you can't tell me you like living in Boston working at that hole in the wall bar and living upstairs from it" Jax spoke no one knew she lived upstairs from the bar. "I came out there last year I didn't want to tell you I wanted to surprise you, but you looked so miserable and I didn't want to make it worse" Jax said
"I knew you were there I saw you, Jax Teller can't hide in a crowd from me to save his life. Good try though and Jax I am miserable there. I hate working for nothing and I have one friend hos name is Ralph and he's my boss. I can't come back here Jax to many bad memories" Paige said looking at the floor "so we will make new ones all of us" Jax said he scooted closer to paige. "Jackson" she said he closed his eyes as she said his name. There was something about the way she said his name that he loved " I can't cover it up, the pain and misery I've dealt with wasn't easy" she said. "And I haven't?! My god Paige you act like your the only one suffering here I lost a baby too, I lost my fiancee too one thing I didn't do was fucking run from it all" Jax said Paige slapped him hard across the face "fuck you teller maybe if you didn't stick your dick in someone else we wouldn't be doing this right now. I'm done" Paige said standing up and walking out. Jax laid back on the bed. 'Fucked it up again' he thought.

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