Timing is everything

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It's been around 6 months since Paige had told Jackson to leave the house. He didn't argue or try to make things work, he knew he was the one who screwed everything up. They rarely spoke unless it was concerning the baby boy that was growing in her protruding stomach. Jax was staying at the clubhouse constantly depressed and was constantly bringing crow eaters and porn stars back to his dorm trying to forget. But he couldn't. He couldn't forget his wrong doing to Paige. He feels absolutely terrible. Paige is currently 9 months pregnant. The doctor decided to induce her next week if she doesn't have him naturally before her next appointment. Jax hasn't been to any appointments since the last time he went with her to find out it was a boy, they haven't spoken much either. He was planning on heading over to see her soon since she asked him to come move some furniture around for her to make things easier when she came home from the hospital but he definitely needed to wash up from the night before. Drowning himself in pussy wasn't the answer but it made him feel something. His phone buzzed on the bedside table it was from Paige. 'Are you coming or am I doing it myself' jax knew if he didn't go soon she would infact move the stuff herself 'I'll be there babe in 10 minutes' jax texted back getting out of bed and heading to the shower

Paige stood in the living room with her hands on her hips. Waiting not so patiently for Jax to arrive she wanted this stuff moved before she had the baby but jax was taking forever and she was getting frustrated that he wasn't moving fast enough. Just as she bent down to start pushing the couch she heard the roar of the motorcycle come up the road. Paige waddled over to the door and opened it for him he walked in kissed her cheek and put his hands on her stomach "he needs to come out soon I want to hold him" jax said Paige smiled "yeah me too I want my body back I want to be able to see my vagina" Paige huffed "I love the way you look" jax said kissing her cheek again. Paige turned around and walked away she knew if she stood there any longer she would of ended up kissing Jax. She missed him greatly but she couldn't just give into him.

After sitting for an hour and watching Jax move every piece of furniture about 10 times everything ended up back in its spot it began in. Paige sat on the couch with a cup of iced tea while Jax received a beer "you mill me woman I think you just wanted to see me sweat" Jax smiled as he walked back into the living room to see her relaxing "hmm maybe" Paige smiled watching him sit next to her on the couch "I knew it, so your going to let me come over and see him and shit right?" Jax asked sipping his beer "of course Jax I wouldn't keep him from you I'm not that mean" Paige said setting her glass down on the coffee table "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page babe" jax said touching her bare leg "I'll probably have you stay here a few nights a week to help once I come home if that's OK with you" Paige said putting her hand over Jaxs. Truth was she was scared to be alone she hated staying home alone "of course but no arguing this time you'll take the bed" jax said. Paige smiled and nodded her head "I know I screwed shit up between us but I want to make whatever this is work for the kid he needs both parents" jax said "of course Jackson" Paige smiled "ugh the way you say that drives me insane" Jax said putting his head on her shoulder "you mean Jackson?" Paige teased. That did it. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew Jax loved the way she said his name. Jax went for it he leaned in and kissed her.

Jax was laying next to Paige. She was sleeping and he was laying on his back, thier events were tiring and with Paige being as pregnant as she was he knew she was exhausted. So he decided to get up and shower and take care of a few things around the house for Paige while she was sleeping. While he was showering he heard the bathroom door open he peaked his head out of the shower and looked at Paige who was just standing there "babe?" Jax said "my water broke" Paige said nervousness flooded her face. Jax got out of the shower and quickly dried off and got dressed. "Where's your bag?" Jax asked as Paige was hunched over the counter " under the crib" she managed to get out, Jax ran to the babys room and grabbed her bag. He quickly helped her out to the truck
"Jax you need to hurry" Paige said clutching the door handle "babe I'm trying just hang in there" jax said weaving in and out of traffic as Paige grew closer and closer to delivery.
They reached the hospital and Jax went over and helped Paige get out of the truck and into a wheelchair. They rushed upstairs to delivery. As the nurses got Paige settled into the hospital bed "the doctor will be in shortly to check you" the nurse said "umm. I like need to push" Paige said the nurses turned around and paged the doctor "ok well let's get you ready the doctor will be on his way" she said as she raised the stirrups for Paige to put her feet in. Jax held onto paiges hand as the nurses got everything prepared for the birth of his baby boy. "Ok Paige you can start pushing" the nurse said Paige began to push holding onto Jaxs hand "cmon babe you can do this" jax said as she took another deep breath and pushed. With a loud yell next thing Paige knew was she heard a cry and a baby being placed on her chest "he's here" jax said touching the babies hand. The baby stopped crying and opened his eyes to reveal one blue eye and one eye that was a hint of green, Paige looked up at Jax and smiled "dad would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked Jax nodded and smiled. He cut the cord and turned his attention back to Paige and his little boy "I'm so proud of you babe you did amazing" Jax said placing a kiss on her lips "thanks" Paige smiled she looked down at the baby boy falling in love with everything about him

"Where's my grandbaby?" Gemma asked walking into the room, jax had went to handle some club business so it had just been Paige and baby for a few hours "hey grandma" Paige laughed handing the baby to Gemma. "So did you pick a name for this little guy yet or what?" Gemma asked studying the baby "yup. Abel, Abel Thomas Teller" Paige smiled "good strong name, so how are you feeling momma?" Gemma asked "I feel good, tired but that's to be expected I'm completely in love with him" Paige said adjusting herself in the bed "everyone is going to be in love with him he's a Teller" Gemma laughed"he's got two different eye colors I think, the doctor said it could change by a year" Paige said "he's just more the special hes absolutely handsome you and Jax make pretty good looking kids" Gemma smiled "yes we do" Paige smiled "so jax tells me he was at the house when your water broke?" Gemma asked Paige smiled knowing jax told her why her water broke "yeah I guess timing is everything" Paige said laughing with Gemma.

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