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Paige waited patiently as jax led her to the door with a blindfold over her eyes "if you just cleaned the house and put this over my face for that I'll kill you" she said "no it's something better" jax said putting the key into the lock and turning it. He led her down the hall and to the spare bedroom "ok take it off" jax said stepping into the room with her. Paige slowly took the bandana off her face and looked around in amazement. There say a cherry oak crib put together with a matching dresser and changing table. There was no crib set or anything yet since they didn't know what it was. "Jax you did all of this yourself?" Paige asked smiling at him "well I could lie but no mom picked it out and I just watched the prospects put it together" jax laughed "that's what I thought but I still love it thank you" she said hugging him "there's more" jax said Paige looked at him. "In the kitchen" jax said Paige walked down the hall and into the kitchen there was a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers on the table and a card with a bag. Paige opened the card and read it
My beautiful Paige,
Everything we have been through is what keeps us stronger then ever. Even after all of these years my love never died for you. It was always hope that kept it going. Hoping that you would come home to me where you belonged. I know I royally screwed up all those years ago and I was mad at myself for it. I should of never done it because it made me lose the most important thing in my life. I hated myself for years I couldn't look at myself I couldn't even bring myself to sleep in our bed because it reminded me of what I had done. I'm sorry about the things I did in the past and I hope that I can only make the right choices in the future. I'm so happy that you are going to be a part of it, I wouldn't of wanted anyone else standing by my side. You are the glue that keeps us together. And I just hope that you will want to be by my side for the rest of your life. We were always meant to be Paige. Fate brought us back together I can't lose you again I don't want to lose you again you are the love of my life. I just hope that we can do this I hope that we can make it.

Love always

Paige turned around and watched Jax get down on one knee. In the same very kitchen he proposed all those years ago. Paiges head started to spin. Her thoughts raced a mile a minute every little thing that happened in her life was flashing before her. Everything with Jax growing up their life together, when she left, when she came back,Alex. Everything. She stood there staring at the ring Jax was holding. She couldn't move or speak she was dumbfounded. Jax looked up at her trying to find her answer in her facial expression but it was blank. "Paige?" Jax said it snapped her out of the other dimension she was in "yes Jax we can make it" Paige smiled as Jax put the ring on her finger. He stood up and took her in his arms. "You scared me for a second" Jax laughed kissing her neck "scared myself it's like everything flashed before me. Like my life was ending or something. I knew my answer before you even asked me I just couldn't move or say anything" Paige laughed "well do you want to see what's in the bag?" Jax asked "don't you think you've done enough for one day?" Paige laughed "no I didn't do anything the prospects did it all" jax smiled "so who am I marrying? You or the prospects?" Paige laughed opening the bag. She stopped when she took the tissue paper out and stared at what was in the bag. She pulled the picture frame out of the bag. It was a solid black frame with silver lettering on it 'True love never dies' there was the first picture of Jax and Paige from when they were about 5 another one next to it of when they were 18 right before they were supposed to get married and the last space was empty. Paige turned and looked at Jax and smiled "it's beautiful thank you" Paige said setting it down on the table and walking to Jax who was at the counter "I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. You are my rock Jackson the only one I can trust enough to love me" Paige said kissing him

Jax watched intently as the prospect loaded up the rest of the supplies. He was leaving for 4-5 days. They were going to retaliate on the Mayans he hated having to leave Paige but he needed to do this. Fortunately everyone was on lockdown so he knew Paige was safe at the clubhouse. He didn't want to leave her but he didn't have a choice. "Juice you make sure she stays safe if anything happens to her it's your patch" jax said sternly juice nodded knowing that his patch was on the line if anything were to happen to Paige.

Jax kissed her forehead and said his goodbyes. Even though he hated leaving her he knew he had to.

Paige laid in the dorm room on the bed that her and Jax shared many many times she was lonely. She wanted jax home and it had only been one night. She wished he didn't have to go for such long periods of time. She knew that she would end up pretty much be raising the baby on her own since he was away so much but this was his life it's what he wanted to do, he was living his father's legacy. Her phone rang in her pocket when she saw it was jax she smiled "hey babe" she said answering the phone "hey beautiful I miss you" he said smiling into the phone "I miss you too been boring here all day" she said "well we will be home sooner then expected I want to run a few things by you when I get home I've been thinking alot today" jax said. When he says stuff like that it worries Paige because she doesnt want to cloud his head anymore then she already was "what's that babe?" She asked "I think I want out" jax said "of what us?" She asked becoming nervous "the club" jax said.

A/N: let me know what you think. Also I'll be posting another story soon just a idea I had that I needed to write it"

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