Eight Hours

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Jax loaded the kid up in the truck while Paige eased herself into the front seat, per Gemma she was throwing a welcome home party for Abel, Jax had been staying with her for the past two nights in the hospital helping out with the baby as much as he could. As Jax got in the truck Paige was finally able to buckle up "you doing ok babe?"he asked touching her hand "yeah just really really weak for some reason I may not hang out at the party for long if that's alright" Paige said rubbing her face "of course that's fine I can handle Abel and the party" Jax said. He started at Paige for a few moments before starting the truck, she looked exhausted she hadn't slept more then a few hours in almost three days. He knew she wasn't going to hang out that long for the party. He insisted his mother wait a few days after Paige coming home but she didn't want to wait.

The party was in full swing at Jaxs house, Paige was going on like a trooper but still had exhaustion written all over her face, as she was handing the baby off to Gemma she stood up but quickly lost her balance, luckily Happy was right next to her to catch her. "Hey you ok kid?" He asked helping her stand back up "yeah I think so I'm just so tired thanks happy" Paige smiled Jax walked over to her and pulled her into a hug "babe go lay down we've all got Abel get some rest ok?" Jax said kissing her forehead Paige nodded and with Jaxs assistance she began her journey down the hall, something didn't feel right she put her hand against the wall and closed her eyes, she couldn't hear anything, she couldn't hear Jaxs yells as she collapsed onto the ground. Her eyes were fixed on the light on the ceiling, still couldn't hear anything she could see Jax above her screaming at someone to call an ambulance his eyes darted back to her talking to her but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Suddenly everything went black.

Jax sat in the waiting room, waiting it had been hours since the ambulance brought Paige in. Gemma was at home with Abel while Jax and a few of the members waited on news about Paige, it killed Jax to see the paramedics have to use the defibrillator on Paige on the ambulance ride. He felt helpless. He knew there was nothing he could do but sit and pray.

Jax looked at the clock it had been exactly six hours since Paige had been brought in. No one was giving answers the other members had left to go home leaving Jax alone to think

Eight. Eight hours Jax had been waiting as he stood up to ask the nurses yet again if they knew anything a doctor came through the doors to the waiting room "Mr.Teller?" He asked walking towards Jax. "How is she?" Jax asked rubbing his hands over his face "Paige went into cardiorespiratory arrest. We haven't found the cause of it yet she's still in surgery, her heart isn't pumping on its own. We're trying to correct it. If we cannot correct it I need your permission to implant a cardioinvertor defibrillator" the dr said Jax became pale "do whatever you have to do to keep her alive please" Jax said trying not to cry. "I will Mr Teller. I will come get you as soon as she is out of surgery. She's a strong woman. Once we implant the device she's going to have to take it easy. It's not going to be an easy road for her Mr Teller. I'm going to also put her on the implant list and see if we can get her a new heart." The dr said. jax could only nod his head. He felt numb. The love of his life is cut wide open as they try to save her heart. "What would be required like what's her blood type? So I can put the word out" Jax asked "A negative. It's not going to be an easy match. But we can be hopeful" he smiled "thank you" jax said as the doctor turned around and went back to work on Paige.

"jax wait. Don't go." A young Paige said grabbing onto Jaxs hand "please don't leave me like my parents did" Paige said "Paige I'm not going to leave you, your my best friend I can't just leave you. But you can't ever leave me that's the deal" jax said spitting in his hand and putting it towards Paige wanting her to do the same. She looked at Jax for a moment and spit in her hand and shook his hand "best friends for life Paige. I'll do anything for you" Jax said "and I'll do anything for you Jax promise me you'll always be here when I need you" Paige cried "always and forever darlin' I'm not going anywhere without you" Jax smiled. "Well I wouldn't have it any other way" Paige smiled "Paige. I really want to kiss you" Jax said Paiges green eyes looked up at Jax "then do it don't be a pussy" Paige said, Jax leaned in and kissed Paige lightly on the lips "that was cool" Jax said pulling away "you can do that anytime you want Jax" Paige smiled "i will. I'm gonna marry you one day and then I can kiss you whenever you want" Jax said "I think I'd like that" Paige laughed as she ran through the cemetery back to the tarmac where thier bikes were

Jax was woken up by someone tapping his arm "Mr Teller the doctor would like to see you" the nurse said Jax immediately stood up and followed the nurse to the ICU they stopped outside of a door with the shades closed "Mr Teller. I have some fantastic news for you" the doctor said "we fixed the arythmia in Paiges heart and she is currently stable, I am a firm believer that this was gods work. I have never been able to repair anything like this before without updated technology" the doctor said smiling "this is the best thing I've heard in a while. Thank you doctor she needs to get better we have a newborn son at home" Jax said crying happy tears "your welcome son. She will be monitored for a few more days here and if everything stays the same she can go home she's going to be really weak but we will discuss that when it's time to go home, go see her. She's still unconscious but she can hear you" the doctor said opening the door

Jax sat next to Paige and held her hand. "Babe. God, I thought I lost you. I had this dream of us when we were about 11 when you asked me not to leave you like your parents did. And we spit on it, do you remember that? That was also our first kiss. I love you so much babe I don't know what I would do without you, what Abel would do without you. I have never prayed so hard in my life for you to come back to me and you did. Please Paige don't ever leave me, please don't ever leave like my dad did"

A/N: Any suggestions anyone might have? I'd like to continue this story but I also have so many other ideas for other ones!!! Please let me know what you think.

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