Time for a getaway

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Jax watched as Paige slept in the passenger seat of her truck, they had decided to go up north a few hours away to a bed and breakfast where Jax would propose the proper way to Paige. He had the whole weekend planned out for the both of them, first they would stop at orchard park for lunch and then they would head up to the bed and breakfast and do some shopping. He wasn't going to propose until the night they left. Opie said he would take care of things while he was gone. The club had a few things going on with the Mayans but Opie assured him he could handle it while they were gone. Paige was reluctant to go knowing what was going on but Jax assured her everything was going to be fine.

Shortly after their lunch at the park Paige was walking to the garbage can to throw away the trash while Jax headed to the bathroom. Paige was almost to the trash can when she noticed a black van come speeding up the road she knew it, she knew they were coming for her, she dropped the trash on the ground and ran towards the bathrooms where she knew Jax she looked behind her and saw the van stop and three masked men jumped out and began running after her but they were faster then her. One of the men grabbed her hair and took her to the ground. She screamed as loud as she could hoping Jackson would hear her. They picked her up and ran back to the van with her and closing the door and driving off.
Jax heard something, screaming maybe he quickly ran out of the bathroom and saw someone put Paige in a black van and drive off, he quickly pulled out his gun and started running and shooting at the van as it drove around the corner he saw the side door open and Paige try to get out but one of the men slammed the door shut on her left hand causing her to scream again. Jax ran as fast as he could over to the van as it came to a halt. One of the masked men threw Paige to the ground and shot at Jax. Jax not caring that a bullet just tore through his shoulder he was more concerned about Paige laying on the ground knocked out her hand was mangled and there was blood everywhere. The van sped off as Jax reached Paige. He knelt down over her cradling her head in his lap screaming at the on lookers to call 911.

Paige woke up and looked around the room she didn't know where she was. She knew she was in a hospital but she didn't know which one. She looked down and saw her left arm in a splint with pins coming out of inside the cast. She tried to lift it but the pain was excruciating, she wondered where Jax was and why he wasn't in the room with her she noticed a patch standing outside of her door, she cleared her throat hoping he would hear her. He turned around and walked into the room "rat where's Jax" Paige asked "he's talking with the cops he should be almost done" rat said "what happened? I don't remember anything after going in the van" Paige said "I think its best you talk to prez about that" rat said walking back to the spot he was before.

Jax was finished talking with the officers and bee lined it right for Paige's room. He needed to check on her he hadn't seen her since before she went in for surgery. When the door slammed on her hand it tore all the tendons in her hand and broke it in three places. The surgery repaired it temporarily she's going to have multiple surgeries before she can have any use for it. He felt terrible that this even happened it shouldn't have he made sure everything was good before they left. He slowly opened her door she was facing the opposite way of him she didn't want him to know she was crying. He sat on her bed and put his hand on her shoulder "babe I'm so sorry this shouldn't of happened" jax said he knew she was crying "I wish it didn't happen I had this whole weekend planned out, now its ruined by some idiot. I love you Paige I'm sorry" Jax said Paige didn't want to talk to him she had nothing to say to him "will you please say something?" Jax asked Paige turned over and sat up "I have nothing to say you. Its because of your stupid fucking club shit that this happened. Jon would be rolling in his grave if he knew you were selling guns. Don't you get it? This isn't the life he wanted you to have. And look at you, you can't even get away for one weekend without shit hitting the fan" Paige said Jax stood up. She was right but so was he. Jax opened his mouth to talk "just leave. I don't want to hear the excuses anymore just leave me alone" Paige said Jax did as he was told and left. Taking the patch with him.

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