Waking up

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Something startled Jax awake he wasn't sure what it was. He looked over hoping everything was a dream last night but it wasn't Paige wasn't in bed. He hoped she was still sleeping out on the couch he pulled his jeans on that were laying on the floor and slowly crept out to the living room to see Paige fast asleep in the couch a wave of relief came over him. He couldn't bare to lose her again. He needed to make this right even if he wasn't entirely sure on how. He needed to figure it out before she was gone again. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at her the mother of his soon to be born child. He wants to give her everything, but the one thing she's going to want he can't give it to her. He can't leave the club. Leave his brothers. His family. It was her or the club. How could he choose. He knew the days were numbered if he didn't do something drastic quick.

It had been about a month since Paige and Jaxs blow out they still weren't really talking as much as jax would of liked but he still was afraid she was going to leave in the middle of the night while he was sleeping. Today marks 15 weeks for Paiges pregnancy and they have the anatomy scan. Sitting in the obgyns office not speaking to each other. They stood up when paiges name was called. They walked into the room and Paige laid down on the table and waited for the tech to come in. "Babe" jax said Paige looked over at him. "Yeah" Paige said. Her belly was swollen, she was tired after being up all night worrying about Jax who didn't show his face till around 4 "I love you" jax said putting his hand in hers "me too" Paige said. Thier relationship was slowly deteorating they both knew it. If it wasn't for Paige being pregnant jax knew she would be gone in a heartbeat. They tech walked in and got started "so Ms Mahoney are you wanting to find out the gender or is it a secret?" She asked "we'd like to know please. Also there is a congenital heart defect that runs in the family could you please check that as well" Paige said the tech nodded as she began her exam "well Paige I've checked everything and it looks like your baby is doing great no heart defect and is completely healthy are you ready to know what it is?" She asked Paige and Jax both nodded "well congratulations your expecting a baby boy" she smiled. Jax and Paige both looked at each other and smiled.

"We're having a boy, God what am I going to do with a mini jax Teller running around" Paige said as they got into her truck "I think you'll manage" jax laughed " if he's anything like his father I'll have a full head of grey hair by the time he's 5" Paige said "I'm surprised you don't have a full head already." Jax laughed "funny Teller" Paige said smacking his arm.
The ride home was quiet "hey I'm gonna head to the club house for a few hours I've got a few things to take care of" jax said as they walked into the house Paige shrugged her shoulders "can we talk later?" Jax asked putting his hand on her face "about what?" Paige asked stepping away from him "us. What's going on with us" jax said "you've made your decision clearly so what's there to talk about?" Paige said "I'm not doing this right now Paige I've told you time and time again that I can't just leave the club like that. I'm the president I can't just appoint someone president that can't do the job" jax said "but you promised jax. You promised you would be here for me this whole pregnancy and where have you been? Not. Here" Paige said Jax hung his head. She knew what buttons to push and she was right he hasn't been here at all. "That's what I thought Jackson if you can't even act like a fiancée to me what makes me think you can act like a father to your son!" Paige yelled. That hit it. That was the final straw. He pushed Paige up against the wall with his hands on each side of her head he put his face close to hers "don't you ever say that again." Jax whispered "or what? You'll smack me around? Been there done that jax. Go ahead you lay one hand on me and you'll never see me or your son ever again" Paige said. She was trembling she was terrified. All that went away when Jaxs lips came crashing on to hers.

Paige woke up in the bed. She hasn't slept in the bed in weeks. She felt arms around her. She knew they were jaxs, after thier argument she figured she would be packing her things and leaving to go to someone else's for a while. But instead she lay in the arms of her fiancée. Somewhere she hasn't been for weeks. She was tired of arguing, she didn't decide to stay for this to happen. She slowly got out of bed trying not to wake him. "Where you going babe?" Jax asked "I'm hungry and we don't have any food in the house so I'm gonna go do some groceries" Paige said quietly "why don't I go with you" jax said getting out of bed. Paige shrugged her shoulders as jax got dressed "why don't we go get some things for the baby too it's always just you and my mom" jax said "ok" Paige said "hey talk to me what's going on" jax said Paige started to cry she knew why she was crying. She just didn't want to tell jax "it's nothing" Paige said wiping her face "don't tell me nothing Paige I'm not stupid. Something is triggering this. I know I'm not doing that bad of a job being a fiancée here. Ya I'm at the club house alot but still" jax said walking over to her he pulled her into a hug and she just cried harder he pulled away "babe cmon" jax said "I know Jax." Paige said "you know what?" He asked he looked into her eyes and saw nothing. Suddenly it clicked and he knew exactly what she knew "that you slept with Tara" Paige said walking away "it was an accident Paige you have to believe me" jax said " accidents like that dont happen more then once Jackson. I'm not naïve here. I think you should go." Paige said "Paige I love you" jax said pleading with her "if you loved me you wouldn't of stuck your dick in her. Leave the house. I can't stand to look at you" Paige said walking down the hallway "Fuck!" Jax yelled punching the door

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