Chapter 5

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Ally's POV

Did she just say what I heard? I can't take this. Tears start bursting, I can't help but sob.

Why she said that to me? Clearly it was her mistake, not mine and still she has the nerve to disrespect me that way.

I laid on my bed and hugged my pillow while crying for like twenty minutes. I strongly dislike confrontation.

Despite the fact that she cursed me, what bothers me the most about this whole situation with Lauren is that I thought I could trust her.

I'm tired of being judge because of my beliefs. I'm tired of having to choose between God, and boyfriends, friends, etc. It's so unfair. I accepted her for who she is and yet Lauren judged me in twenty minutes.

I really thought we had something special. After last night, after today. I don't know why but I feel dragged to her, there's something about her, I don't know what but I just need to keep her close.

Maybe is the way she laughs, maybe is how different we are but yet we could get so close and similar; maybe her eyes are just that beautiful and seem that honest that make me want to stay.

I just love small details about people, and Lauren had tons of those that make her adorable.

I loved the idea of being friends with her, I think I was attracted to her because she is all I ever wanted to be; brave, strong, powerful. And that dangerous side of her, makes me wanna dig more.

I'm so emotional, but this hit me hard. It's not because of Lauren itself I think I felt betrayed so many times in life that I can't take one more.

After a lonely afternoon by myself, I decided it was time to stop. I wasn't in the mood to see the girls though. By the way, Camila didn't come back, so I guess she is with them.

Nicole texted me so I'm gonna meet with her at the bar close to the University. I know I'm gonna be seen with my teacher, but this ain't school anymore, besides she's cool.

It's weird though that she is probably my only friend around here, I guess I never fitted in LA. It never felt like home for me.

"Hey, you came!" Brian greeted me.

"And you too" I smiled at him.

"Yep, I'll leave soon though. We finished the work we had late and my wife told me my kids are already sleeping" Brian explained me.

"Have a sit, darling" Nicole smiled at me. "We've been planning stuff for you guys, for the newbie's specially" I sighed remember the one newbie that caused me trouble.

"You ok, hun?" Nicole asked kinda worry.

"Sure" I smiled gently at her.

"Since you are our most brilliant students, we will give you a teaser of what we've planned" Brian said excited.

So that's me. Sitting at a bar drinking Sprite with my two teachers. I obviously get glares from some of the students that know who I am.

Anyway it was almost impossible for me to concentrate on what they were saying I just limited myself to nod and smile.

Something immediately catched my eye, a beautiful black long hair. It can't be hers. It's someone else's.

She flipped her hair and I could see her profile, there she was, the girl with the fiercest look in the eyes I've ever met.

I hoped Lauren's green eyes won't notice me; I tried to ignore her, to focus in the conversation, but it was impossible. She's one of those people that you can't stop looking at.

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