Dating Stiles

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A/N: Screams!!!^ Chain smokers for like the 2nd time commented and freaking liked my fucking post.

Dating Stiles Would Include...

nose kisses


movie marathons

midnight snacks

cheesy pick up lines

over protectiveness

tight hugs

carrying your books for school

surprising you with little gifts

sticky note compliments left for you to find

spontaneous dates

late night drives

playing with your hair

wearing his flannels

him supporting your decisions

ugly snapchats

being wrapped up during sleep

comforting him after bad dreams

him calling you "his girl"

cute good morning texts

many laughs

awkward dancing

hair tangled kisses

Stiles worrying about your safety

public hand holding

wearing pajamas all day

arguments that result in laughter

walking around in his big t-shirts

helping him get out of trouble

you and Stiles playing lacrosse

making silly faces at inappropriate times

"that's what she said" jokes

him trying to make everything perfect for you

constructing forts at two a.m.

paying for your dinner

watching Star Wars for eight hours

meals with papa Stilinski

late mornings spent in bed

drunk Stiles calling you in the middle of the night

him saving you from the monsters you are scared of

taking couple photos

not taking each other too seriously

no pressure to do anything you weren't ready for

opening doors for you

pulling out your chair before you sit

a dozen red roses on Valentine's Day

sarcastic texts and conversations

fighting about your safety

being happy together

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