Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers!!! So this is the first chapter!  I hope there are no mistakes. I hope you like the characters. Have fun reading! Love you all!

P S: If someone new is reading my book (hey!) Do check out my other books! please! Would mean a lot to me! :)

Chapter 1 

"I do." Says Milly smiling. 

"Do you Nick take Milly to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asks the priest. 

"I do." Says Nick Sanders looking at his beautiful wife. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Says the Indian priest. 

Nick leans in and kisses Milly and all the people in the ball room clap for the happy couple. 

Nick's little sister Sonam who is also the maid of honor hugs the happy couple. 

"Congratulations you two! I love you both so much." She says. 

"Thank you baby sis." Says Nick smiling at her. 

"Thanks Sonam." Says Milly hugging her best friend. 

"Where's the best man?" asks Sonam as the happy couple proceed to talk to their parents. 

"I am here." Says Sam Dawson. 

"So, how was the ceremony? Did you loveee it!" says Sonam sarcastically. 

"Of course I did Sonu! You know I am a romantic." Says Sam who happens to be Sonam's childhood best friend. 

"Well sorry I asked." Says Sonam sarcastically and sticks her tongue out at him. 

"You do know we are not kids anymore right? I mean you are twenty six years old." Says Sam smirking at her. 

"Ya, ya! I am not that old! At least I am a year younger than you! Where is that pretty wife of yours?" asks Sonam winking. 

"Hey what you guys talking about?" says Hilary, Sam's wife. 

"You know the usual." Says Sonam hugging her. 

Everyone starts to move in to the garden for the reception. Since Milly and Nate were half American, half Indian they decided to have an American wedding performed by an Indian priest and an Indian reception. 

Everyone goes back to their hotel rooms to change in to traditional attire. 

Milly looked gorgeous in a lehenga choli and Nick looked dashing wearing a traditional sherwani. 

Sonam wore a gorgeous blue saree and she helped Hilary to tie her saree as well. 

The party was in full swing. 

"Honey you look gorgeous!" says Seema Rao, Sonam's mother. 

"Thanks mom." She says smiling. 

"So when is my princess getting married?" says Andrew Sanders winking at his daughter. 

"Ah...Dad stop!" says Sonam irritatingly. 

Her parents were happily married. They met in college when Seema came to the states to pursue her Law degree. Andrew was her classmate. Both of them fell in love and now twenty seven years later they are still happily married. Seema's parents were reluctant at first because Andrew was as they say, 'Gora.(white)'(no offense here people). But after they got to know him they felt that he was the best match for their daughter. 

"Alright dear." Says Andrew and hugs his daughter. 

Couples start to dance and Sonam being herself looks at them with a distasteful expression on her face and goes towards one of the far off benches in the garden and sits. She was never so sarcastic or negative. She had a very positive outlook on life when she was a teenager but life sometimes screws you up so bad that you just give up. 

"Hey." Says Sam and sits beside her. 

"Hey, what you doing here? I saw you dancing with Hilary." Says Sonam. 

"Ya I was. She is dancing with your brother now." he says pointing them out. 

"Oh ok." She says. 

"Are you ok sonu?" he asks. 

"I am fine Sam." She says Smiling. 

"Are you sure?" he says looking at her. 

"Yes?" she says in an uncertain manner. 

"I thought so! Now tell me what's bothering you?" he says concerned. 

"Well...umm guess who I ran in to the other day at Lincoln Park?" she says. 


"Dhruv Kapoor." Says Sonam with mixed emotions written across her face. 

"What's that asshole doing here in Chicago?!" says Sam angrily. 

"Apparently he is here on business." She says. 

"If he tries to talk to you or disturbs you, call me Sonu." Says Sam seriously. 

"Sure but you don't need to worry Sam. I am fine." She says smiling. 

"I Just don't want you to get hurt Sonu." 

"I think it's a little too late for that Sammy." Says Sonam with a meaningful expression. 


*six years ago* 

Sonam was twenty years old when she visited her grandparents back in India. They live in Hyderabad,  'The city of pearls'. 

She was having fun visiting tourist spots and spending time with her grandparents. 

One day she decided to explore the city by herself. 

She hired an auto rickshaw and headed towards the Charminar. She had heard about the famous Charminar bangles and wanted to buy them. 

She started browsing through all of the shops and it was almost nine 'o' clock in the night by the time she was done. She informed her grandparents that she would be home soon and started looking for an auto rickshaw. 

No one was willing to take her to her destination and it started to rain heavily. Monsoons in Hyderabad can be amazing but if anyone gets caught in the middle of it, it can be a little annoying and people get drenched immediately. 

She immediately started running for cover with all of her shopping bags in tow and crashed in to someone. 

She almost fell to the ground but someone catches hold of her. 

"Are you alright?" asked someone. 

She looks up at him. He had dark brown eyes which could hypnotize any women, a handsome face and sexy black wavy hair . 

"Ummm..." was all Sonam could say. 

"Are you ok?" he asks again. 

Sonam snaps out of her trance and says, "Um.. ya I am alright. Sorry about running in to you like that." 

"That's alright. Here let me help you with your stuff." He says and helps her in carrying her bags. 

They both move towards a coffee shop. 

"Thank you for your help. I am Sonam Sanders." She says. 

"Nice to meet you. I am Dhruv Kapoor." He says and shakes her hand.


A/N: So what do you think?! Do let me know i am really curious to know what you all think!

Do comment and vote!! :) and oh I would like thank my friend Swetha _davuluri for helping me chose the city chicago for this story!! Thank you dear!

Also  i dedicate this chapter to neeha07! :) 

Cheers! :)

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