Chapter 6

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Hello my dear readers!!! I hope you all like this chapter and also sorry in advance incase of errors! 

btw is this story any good? i mean it can't anymore cliche then this but i just wanted to write this and tell you all about Sonam and her stuggles in life. 

So anyway have fun reading! Oh and also i am posting a youtube link of a song so do check it out..I think thats how Sonam feels at the end of the chapter...

Cheers! :)


Chapter 6 

"Hey bestie, Sam, Hilary and you are coming over for dinner tonight at our new house." Says Milly excitedly over the phone. 

"Oh sure but I don't think Hilary will be able to make it." says Sonam. 


"Call Sam and invite him and he will tell you the rest." 

"Well, ok love. I got to go. See you at seven. Bye." Says Milly hanging up. 

Sonam looks at her computer screen and sighs. 'Why is life so complicated?' 

Her phone rings again and she answers it. 

"Hey Sam. How's work?"asks Sonam. 

"Well, ok I guess. It is raining and I am the construction site, so yup I am all sparkly and wet." He says sarcastically. 

"Oh I forgot you hate getting wet in the rain." Laughs Sonam. 

"Ya ya, anyway Milly called so I guess we are going to dinner and I will tell them about Hilary in person. I have been avoiding your brother's calls since they got back from India." 

"Sure Sam. I'll see you soon. I have to get back to work. Bye." Says Sonam and hangs up. 

Later in the evening Sonam and Sam get changed and head towards the newlyweds house. 

The door opens and Nick greets them. 

"Hey baby sis." Says Nick kissing her on the cheek. 

"Hey, man you have been avoiding me? What's up with that?" asks Nick making a fake hurt face. 

"Aww..did I hurt your feelings." Says Sam in a girly kind of voice and they both burst out laughing and hug each other.  

"Sonam!! You are here! I missed you." Screams Milly hugging her. 

"I missed you too Mills." Says Sonam smiling and hugging her too. 

They head towards the kitchen and sit around the dining table. 

"So how was the honeymoon?" asks Sam. 

"It was amazing. I loved your grandparent's house Sonam. It was so huge and Nick and I made out..." 

"Wow! Stop please. It's my brother you are talking about." Says Sonam thoroughly disgusted. 

"Ops! My bad." Smiles Milly and stares at Nick with a lovey dovey expression. 

"Guys, I need to tell you something." Says Sam. 

"Go ahead Man." Says Nick. 

"Hilary and I are getting divorced." 

Nick and Milly wore flabbergasted expression on their faces as Sonam looks at them with a sad expression nodding her head and confirming it. 

"What happened?" asks Nick. 

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