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Hey guys!

This is the end!! sigh!!! I CANNOT believe that this is my third book!!! wow!! I am having mixed feelings! A bittersweet moment!

Thank you to each and everyone of you for your over whelming support and encouragement! It means a lot ot me!! more than you will ever know!! so thank you thank you!!!

I would like to dedicate this one to my dear friend @_CrazyScarlett, she is from Philippines and i am sending out my prayers for her and all the people out there for their safety.  

Om Namah Shiva.



*Six months later*

"Mom! We are here." Says Sonam walking in to her parents' house with Sam. 

"Hey honey! Happy birthday!" says Seema hugging her.

"Thanks mom!" says Sonam hugging her back.

"Hello, Sammy! You're parents are in the garden." She says hugging him.

Milly, Nick, Mr and Mrs.Dawson wish her as they walk towards the backyard.

Since it was Sonam's birthday, Seema decided to throw a small party with just close family and friends. They decided to have a barbeque party. The backyard was beautifully lit with lanterns. A small bench was decorated with pillows and lanterns and it looked lovely and homely. The table was set with a lovely centre piece made of roses. Seema and Mrs.Dawson were lighting the candles on the table. Mr.Dawson was busy barbequing as Sam and Nick join him.

"Hey birthday girl!" says Milly pulling her away.

"Hey Mills What's up?" says Sonam as they walk towards the lovely bench which was surrounded by lovely lanterns(Pic on the side).

"Well....I am pregnant!" Says Milly excitedly.

"Oh my god!!! That's wonderful! I am going to be an aunt!!! Woow!!" smiles Sonam happily as she hugs Milly.

"Did you tell anyone else?"

"Well, I am waiting for my parents to arrive but your brother knows and now you. We will announce it during dinner." Says Milly.

"Hey Sonam! Happy birthday!" says Mark walking towards her.

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