Chapter 23

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Hey guys!! So sorry for posting late!  I was having writer's block.

So sorry in case of errors!!

So i hope you enjoy this chapter!! OH PS : do check out the pic on the side it will give you a very clear picture for a very paritcular scene in this chapter and an important one at that!!  Ops i  have said too much!! :P 

So have fun reading!! Do comment and vote! :) 


xoxo! :) 

Chapter 23

"Oh my god we are going to be late!!" screams Milly as Sonam stands in front of the mirror.

"Oh relax will you!! I am not sure how I feel about wearing this." Says Sonam adjusting her kimono.

"Oh don't be silly Sonu you look fantastic! We are going to have an amazing time!"

"Hello! Everyone ready to go?" asks Nick walking in to the room. 

"Yup." Says Milly as he kisses her softly on her lips. 

"You look beautiful Mills!"  

"Aww, thanks honey." She says blushing. 

" brother and my best friend! Horrific images in my head! Need to escape!" Exaggerates Sonam.  

"Oh shut up and get used to it!" says Milly as Aiko enters. 

"Let's go you guys!" 

They all head towards the elevator. They will be visiting the chidorigafuchi park which is located near the kudanshita station. It was about six in the evening. The park was very well know for boat rides in the river and the cherry blossom trees are lit up in the evenings. There are also many food carts available near the Yashukuni shrine which is surrounded by thousands of Sakura trees.

They all head towards the station and board the train. 


"Oh wow! The view is breath taking!" says Sonam looking around the park. 

It was dusk time and the Sakura trees were lit with beautiful lights which also lit the path way through the park. Families, younger couples, older couples were walking around enjoying the view as the trees swayed to the gentle breeze.

"It's beautiful!" says Milly as Nick an she walk hand in hand.. They were walking behind Sonam and Aiko.

"You are so lucky Aiko. You get to see this every year!" says Sonam. 

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