Chapter 20

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Hey guys how are you all??

I hope you like this one! Sorry in case of errors!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to VyshnaviRamu! thank you dear for the lovely comments!! :)

Also you guys check out the book called, "In honour of the heart" by a very talanted and popular author on wattpad Achu2911!! :) She has entered her book in to the Watty's so do support her!! :)




Chapter 20

"Ok, you need to finish working on the fire exits on the first floor by today." says Sam to the construction manager. 

"Ok, Sam but I do have a few questi..." 

"Hold that thought, I have a call." 


"Hi Sammy. How are you?" 

"Sonu!! Oh my god! How are you?"  

"I am good Sam, I am actually at the airport heading to Japan  now." 

"Oh...that's great. So how are your grandparents?" 

"They are well, thank you. I can't wait to go to Japan." Says Sonam excitement evident in her voice. 

"Yes, I know you always wanted to go there since we were kids, so when do the cheery blossoms blossom?" 

"Oh call them sakura!! I love that name! I am going to be in Tokyo around early April that's when they blossom." 

"Great, do stay in touch Sonu, I haven't spoken to you like in a month, Don't be a stranger." 

"Oh Sam, I umm..missed you too and I am feeling much better now. I am sorry to put you through al this. I will constantly send you updates from Japan and by then you will be totally sick of me." she says giggling. 

"I'll never sick of you.." he says in a gentle voice. 

"I know..." she says feeling a little guilty and nervous at the same time. 

"Oh, I need to go Sam, they announced my flight, I'll call you when I get there."  

"Sure, take care." 

"You too, bye." Says Sonam and hangs up. 

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