Chapter 13

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I hope you all like this one! I know its a small chapter but i was kind of having writer's block! :P

hehe sorry about that!

Do comment and vote! :)

ps: Sorry incase of errors!

cheers! :)

Chapter 13 

Sam looks at Sonam and Jeffrey kissing. He immediately turns away and heads back in to the hotel. 

"You are really beautiful Sonam." Says Jeffrey gently kissing her on the lips. 

"Thanks Jeff." She says smiling. 

"If you don't mind can I ask you out sometime." He says. 

"Sure that would be lovely." Says Sonam smiling though internally her mind was echoing Sam's name. 

After dancing, everyone heads off to dinner. 

"Mom, dad have you seen Sam?" she asks them. 

"No dear, we haven't." says her dad. 

"Oh by the way this is Jeffrey White. Jeff this is Seema and Andrew my parents." She says introducing them as they shake hands.

"Oh are you by chance from the famous White family which runs the white industries?" says my Dad. 

"Oh well it's my father's company sir. I am a cardiologist." He says. 

"Oh of course your younger brother is the one who works with your father. I have had the pleasure of meeting your father." Says Andrew. 

"Oh really? Are you by chance Mr.Sanders the famous corporate Lawyer?" asks Jeffrey. 

"Yes I am a lawyer but I don't know about the famous part!" says Andrew modestly. 

"Oh how nice to meet you Mr.Sanders. I have heard good things about you." He says as they both start discussing about the company. 

"Sonam, is he your date?" asks Seema. 

"Not exactly but he did ask me out." She says. 

"Oh ok but what about Sam?" says Seema. 

"What about him Mom?" says Sonam angrily. 

Seema sensing her daughter's anger decides to change the topic. 

"Let's all eat shall we?" she says as they all head towards the buffet. 

Sonam calls Sam on his mobile but it goes straight to voice mail. She decides to look for him and excuses herself. She starts to walk towards the elevator as Milly calls her. 

"Did I see you kissing a hot guy?" she says. 

"Well..." says Sonam. 

"I told you to confess your feelings and instead you make out with another guy!" says Milly. 

"We were about to kiss but Hilary interrupted us and then I saw him kissing her so I decided then and there that we are nothing more than friends Milly. It's too much of a risk to take. I don't want to lose him all together so I am done pinning for him." says Sonam with determination. 

"But Sonam how long will you live with the fear of losing him? You live only once. You should take risks if it's worth it." says Milly. 

"I am sorry Mills. I already did that and look what happened. I am done taking risks. I just want a simple normal life. I need to go." Says Sonam as Milly looks at her with worry etched across her face. 

Sonam heads towards Sam's room and knocks. 

"What do you want Sonu?" he says rather rudely. 

" what's with you! I just came to check up on you. I didn't find you after your talk with Hilary." 

"I am fine. Leave me alone for a while." 

"What happened Sam?" 

"Fine. I'll tell you." He says and explains to her about his conversation with Hilary. 

"Oh so..umm are you guys back together?" she asks looking at him with a hesitant expression. 

"Didn't you to listen to what I just said?! We are not getting back together! She is not who I thought she was. She broke my heart! She cheated on me! She kissed another guy! Just like you did!" screams Sam.

Sonam looks at him with shock and confusion written on her face. 

"What does it have to with me kissing someone?" she asks in a stern voice. 

"I saw you kissing that Jeffrey guy. Why did you do that?" he asks. 

"What is it to you Sam?! Last I checked I am not dating anyone. It's not like we are dating either. I am only fit to be your best bud and nothing more! Why do you care if I kiss Jeff! Unlike you he seems like a nice guy! You have no right to tell me what to do Sam! You of all people should know how I feel about that! You made it pretty clear that I am only a friend and nothing more by marrying Hilary. So I guess we are done!" says Sonam angrily and walks out of the room. 


The next day Sonam wakes up to her phone ringing. 

"Sonam hurry up! We are all heading to the salon! We need to get ready for the wedding tonight." Says Milly on the other line. 

"Fine. I'll be down in ten." She says in a sleepy voice. 

She slowly heads towards the bathroom and takes a cold shower and changes in to shorts and a t-shirt and heads towards the elevator. 

"Hi Sonam." Says Jeff approaching her. 

"Hey good morning." she says hugging him. 

The elevator door opens and they both get it. 

"Hold the elevator." Says someone and rushes in. 

"Oh Sam right?" says Jeff. 

Sam looks at Sonam uncomfortably and says, "Yes, Jeffrey..hello."  

"Last night I was talking to your father Sonam and he told me that Sam's been your best friend since you were kids." Says Jeff unaware of the angry glares Sonam and Sam were giving each other. 

"Oh ya..that's true." She says looking at him as they all stand silently in the elevator. 

Finally the elevator door opens and she looks at Jeff and says, "Hey I am meeting the girls. I'll talk to you later." 

She kisses him on the lips, glares at Sam and walks away.



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