Because of you; part 2

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Time went by so fast. It is already Sunday. I have been singing in the shower as practice. I got better and better every time I practices. But, every time I sing the more I doubt if I could go through with it. I would love to do this for him,but I am nervous. It is  not understandable. I have never been this nervous in my life, not even when I sang 'It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp' in front of my idol. I was shaking my ass. Right then and there,it was hard out there for Taraji. But this is different. I might just change my plans. I don't even know yet. But I have 21 hours to figure that out. I don't know what I am doing here. I really just don't. So I called up Mary, Gabrielle, and Jussie. It was 2 in the morning I was surprised they answered. Every time I asked they would anything for you love or boo.

I was actually excited. Too excited to be a man. But, Taraji had that affect on me. She is my everywhere ng this party gonna be lit. I just read on twitter that Taraji having a last minute party. Ha, they didn't know but I did. That is weird but hey I really don't give a fuck. All I know is that is gonna be  lit as fuck. 7 more hours to go and I cant wait to see my queen. I knew what I was wearing. As usual when it comes to her. I just don't know how I'm gonna hide my smile when I walk in. I don't think if I will be able to.

When I called  Gabs, Jussie, and Mary I asked them to invite people to my "party" at the karaoke bar. I changed my plans. I bailed and I felt like an asshole. But, he didn't know the plans. So, it made  me feel a little better. Like, to know he doesn't know I am letting him down. I sound selfish ass hell. But it is the truth.  

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