Never Had A Chance

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I was waiting on the nurse to come give me the updat I have been waiting for about an hour. I called Marcel, Jussie, and her mother. I was wait to for the doctor to tell me If she ok. I looked at the time. A group of people ran to the desk. I heard them say Taraji. I sprang up and jogged to them.
"Wassup y'all. She in surgery she will be out soon." I said as a tear ran down my face. They all group me in and hugged me. I begin to worry about the baby. We walked back to where I was. There were about ten people, not including me. I seen Marcel, Jussie, Terrence, Taraji's mom, Yazz, Gabby, Danny, Lee, Trai, Grace. I looked around all of them were either crying or teared eyed. It seemed like everything was my fault, just upside down. A tall black lady with curly hair came into the waiting room. She looked at her clipboard.
"Mr.Gibson." She read off the clipboard. I raised my hand and waved. She walked over to me. She looked down again.
"Umm, your wife is stable." She paused and I let out a sigh of relief to know that my wife was fine. The nurse continued " But the baby. The baby was in a critical position and there was no way to save her." the nurse said. I was in a place with no return and I started to cry.
"It was a girl?" I said between sobs.
"Yes sir." she said I stormed out and sat on the bench not knowing what to do.

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