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Every one was there Terrence, Jussie, Will, Jada, Gabby, other Gabby, Lee, Danny, and Tyrese. Shit was lit. Bottles were popping. I was drunk as hell. I was already on my second bottle. Me and Tyrese just eyed each other all night. Of course because people were drunk we all took turns going on stage. Well, at least they did. Even though I was drunk I wasn't in the mood. Jussie of course out did everyone that tried to get on that stage and kill it. He has the wildest, most amazing voice. But shit got real after his second song. He started a chant. I was too busy staring at Tyrese to notice his whole drunk speech. Until, I heard my name.
"Taraji come on up sing a lil' bit. You know, for the crowd." He said.
"Jussie stop playing" I say trying brush it off. But of course he goes...
"I am for real! Come on everybody! TARAJI TARAJI!" He starts and everyone follows. I look over at Tyrese to see that he is looking at me and chanting my name as well. So I stand up and throw my hands up and say...
"Alright, alright now shut the fuck up now." I say. So I walk up to the stage. I didn't know what to sing. One thing pop in mind and I blurted it out so fast I couldn't stop myself. It was the song I have practicing for Tyrese. 'You dumb bitch, really, why that song, vibe killer' is what I was thinking after I said that song choice.

Wow she was about to sing. I hope the alcohol doesn't mess up her beautiful voice. The song she yelled is a song I am familiar with. It is song by umm.. Kelly Clarkson. She obviously regreted her song choice. It was all on her face. When she started singing all my life came out of me. She was sounded amazing. Through out the song we had eye contact. It was almost over. Then, Kevin Hart came over to and said...
"Go apologize, go fuck her, go do something cause what is up with you two, y'all love each other. Don't let that shit slip. " he said. I noticed he wasn't drunk. So I guess me and him both went sobber tonight.
"I feel you dog." I said and I got up and walk behind stage. Taraji saw me. The song was over by then. So she came to check on me. When she walked back there I graped her and pulled her close and whispered in her ear...
"Say sorry." It sent shiver down her spine I felt her small shake in my hands...
"I'm good." She whispered back.
"So we gonna have to do this the hard way." I say smiling...
"I guess so. But who is this gonna be hard for, you or me? She says smiling now.
"Look down." I say. She does and smiles widely a my massive boner. We kiss a long passionate kiss and head back to the party together. I was stunned she did that usually shit would be low key.

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