Cater 2 U

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I didn't know what the fuck to do. I know I did wrong. But this was not a 'sorry' type wrong, it was a 'do something to say sorry in way to remember' type wrong. I was sitting there and wondering what the fuck to do. I know that all I have to do is say sorry and he will forgive me. But I wanted to earn his forgiveness. I expected to have a mind full of ideas, as usual. But my mind was completely empty. I didn't know what to even say to him. I texted Tyrese to come over at 10 p.m. He replied and said why. I looked at that text and whent off and deleted it and said just come please and sent it. I got in my car for a drive to open my mide. I turned on the radio. They were jamming. All the old jams. I was sitting there singing and driving. That is when the music stopped and the Dj started to say,
"This Dj Spank and we bout to slow  it down. They call me Dj Spank because my jams soo SPANKING awesome." as soon as he said that I laughed and reached out my hand to turn the station. But I jerked my hand back when I heard Cater 2 U By Destiny's Child. It made something in me click because I knew what I wanted to do to say sorry to Tyrese. I hit a U turn and sped to the Wal-Mart that I had just passed. I look both ways and sped my into the driveway and found the nearest parking spot. I jumped out the car and practically ran to the store. I had my mind made up on what to make for him.

I was getting in the shower to fet ready to see Taraji. She told me to be there at 10. She didn't want the press following me to her home.I look at ny clock, it was 8 o'clock. I asked my the flight attendant how much long till landing. She said in an hour. I look around the empty plane. I get up and go to the small shed like room and lay on bunk bed look at thr top bunk. I think about me and Taraji's times together. Her moan when we make love. Her smile after I tell a corny joke. Her laugh and her yell. Her sarcasm when she is upset. No matter what I always have a good time with her and spend my every waking moment with. That is why I have this 16 carrot diamond in my pocket. A carrot for each year we have known each other. I pull out the ring and stare at is. I hope she loves it. Taraji is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. I just her and her only. Start a family. Shayla loves her too. She is the most honest, smart, beautiful, and loveable person I know. I love the hell out of her if she says yes. She is also unpredictable so I don't know what to even think because if she does say no she has to have a flawless reason.
"Sir we are landing in five." the flight attendant said nocking off my train of thought. I look at her and nod to reassure her I heard her. I jump up and grab my bag and walked to the front of the plane. I grapped my phone and checked to see if Taraji and then I realized that ny airplane mode was on. I checked the time, it was thirty minutes pass nine. The plane landed. I boarded off, my driver was there waiting for me.  I throw my stuff in the truck of the car. I get in the car and pull out my phone and turned off ny my airplane mode. My phone buzzed and buzzed. Notifications from Instagram,Twitter,and text from Taraji. I looked at Taraji's they all repeated the same thing 'where are you' or 'are you still coming'. I looked at the messages and didn't reply because she know I don't ditch people.  I put my phone on the black leather seats.
"Sir, we arrived to your destination." my driver said as he yeld the car to a stop. I hop out the car and grabbed my stuff out of the trunk. I started walking to Taraji's front door. As I walk in I smell something burning. I look around for Taraji and she is not in sight. I run in the kitchen to see what is burning. I see a pot on the stove and smoke coming from it. After about three seconds flames burst from the pot. I ran to the fire extinguisher and unhooked it. I ran back to the the kitchen and put out the fire. In a matter of seconds came out half naked, worried Taraji.
"Damn it! Lord why me?!" she ran to the pot and and grab the mitts. She put on the mitts, grabbed the pot and put it n the sink. She turned on the water. As she did that all I could do is look at her body. She was freaking out and all I could do is admire her goddess body. I walk up to her and turned off the running water and hugged her. I grab her chin and softly pushed it up. I pressed my lips on hers.

When his lips pressed it's like all my worries went away. His tounge against my lips, asking for intrest and I let him in.   As we deepend the kiss the lower his hand whent down my back. He grabbed my ass and I let out a small moan.  I pulled away and I looked at him. Was he ok? Did he forgive? Why is he so horny? He seen the confusion on my face and kissed me again. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He put me on the on the counter. I look in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I said barley above a whisper. He looked at me and took off my pants. And we made love all night.

$Longest chapter and I try to keep pg-13$

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