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All morning my ex was calling my phone. I had ten voicemail and thirty-five messages. I first listened to my voicemail. 6/10 were her. The other four was my manager talking about a meeting. It was at 3 pm. It was ten o'clock in the morning. He better cut that shit out. I scrolled though the messages. Most was from her. I turn around to see Taraji waking up.
"Good morning beautiful." I say as she wakes up. I got an unusual answer.
"So the sex was great. But did you cum in me. I wave no time for another baby. And I am too old." She was very anxious so I told her the truth right away.
"No I used a condom." I said to making her feel better.
"Thank god!" She said relieved.
"You don't wanna have my baby girl?" I say with a smile.
"Should have asked ten years and it would have been a maybe. But now it is a HELL to the NO!" She say we both laugh.
Alright then it settled we're having a child." I yell making us laugh.
"Anyways while you find a baby mama I will be getting dressed my jet will be here soon." She say with a smirk.

Ten minutes later I was out the door. Last night was great but I had to get to work. I was late anyways. So I rushed my ass off. When I got there everyone was there. They were in the middle of shooting a scene with Jamal, Andre, and Hakeem. The one when they having a mushy moment. When all three of them are together it is just beautiful. I took off my shoes and ran to my dressing room. It had to be quiet on set. I was almost done and about to walk out the door. Until, I heard Lee yell....
"Were is Taraji?!?!" I tell Ashanti to hurry up. I run out the room in character. My character Cookie.
"I am right here! I am right here!" I yell.
"Where were you." Lee and Danny yell in unison.
"I was in Chicago throwing a party." I am a horrible liar. So I told the truth.
"Damn I'm hurt and mad. I wasn't invited. Damn." Lee said. We all laugh.
"Lets jump into the scene. The one when Cookie and Jamal at the studio." Danny says.
"Alright. Quiet on set!" Lee yells. This morning was hectic.

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