Chapter 1

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OMG, I really did it. My first ever story and I'm freaking scared. I don't now how this dedication thing works, but this one is for @TheWayYouLookTonight because she is just amazing and a really really good friend :). Please be nice on your comments, that is, if anyone is going to read it... 

This is it, I’m about to take the flight of my life. Saying I’m afraid is an understatement. Not only I have to spend about an hour in a thing that can just fall out of the air, but I’m also leaving everything behind and starting a whole new life. Well, I will start that new life, if I’m going to live this flight from Dublin to London. I’m trying to compose myself, I really do, but I just can’t stop thinking about not making it out alive. I check my watch for like the 50th time since I got through the customs. Still 45 minutes until boarding. I just don’t know what to do with myself and I’m feeling I start to panic. ‘Just do what you have learned Niall’, I muttered to myself. Deep breaths in to your nose a out through your mouth. Just when I close my eyes to calm myself more I hear two voices getting closer and they stop right next to me. I feel a hand on my shoulder and a deep voice asking me: ‘Are you allright? You look a bit pale.’

I shudder under the touch, one thing I learned during this attacks, is that no one should touch me because it will only make it worse. I shrug the hand of my shoulder and nod. I still hadn’t open my eyes, because when I do I’m afraid I really start to panic and I can’t let that happen, not now.

‘Are you sure?’ I hear the same voice asking me, ‘It looks to me, you can faint any minute.’ I

 slowly open my eyes and I see a mop of curls right in front of me and I immediately shut them again. There are way too many people surrounding me. How the hell am I going to survive the flight, if I can’t even cope with this? I know the answer, I can’t. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I stand up, grab my bag and launch forward, still with my eyes closed. That really wasn’t the smartest idea, I feel myself falling forward and I feel I take something or someone with me. I hear worried voices around me and a chuckle right under me. I peek through my eyelashes and I see a face with the same curls surrounding it, as the curls I saw when I opened my eyes when I tried to say I was all right.

 ‘If you don’t mind, I would like to breathe a little’, I hear the same deep voice telling me.

But I can’t move, cause I know when I do, I’ll see all the people who are surrounding us now, and that won’t be good. So instead of standing up I mumble ‘Sorry, I can’t’.

‘Of course you can, just open your eyes and stand up’.

‘You don’t understand’ I say in quite voice, not even realized I closed my eyes again.

‘Hey Harry, you okay there? What did that guy to do you? You need any help?’ I hear someone scream next to my ear. This voice isn’t as deep as the voice the Harry guy has, but it’s definitely from a guy. I feel two hands gently pushing at my shoulders and I roll off of him, still with my eyes closed. I can feel the Harry guy standing up next to me when he speaks: ‘No it’s okay Lou, but I think this guy could need some help, look how pale he is.’

I try to sit op and I put my arms around my knees, my head pressed in between them. ‘Come on Niall, you can do this, there’s nothing scary. There are only a few people, nothing can happen, you are not in the plain yet’.  I feel myself calming down when I rocking myself back and forth. Again I feel two hands at my shoulders, but these are much softer.

‘You think you are able to stand up, or at least can open your eyes?’ I hear a soft, but slightly deep voice asking me. I think it’s the voice from the other one, Lou or something like that. I slowly open my eyes and I see a pair of blue eyes looking concerned down at me. I take a deep breath and try to stand up. I feel his hands supporting me and lead me to seat I was previously in.

‘Hey, you are alright mate?’ He asked with a concerned look on his face.

‘Yes  I am, or I will be, I guess’. I feel my cheeks reddening, when I hear me voice crack a little. This is so embarrassing!!

 ‘Are you sure?’ The Lou guy asked again.

‘Yes I’m sure, I only panicked a bit, but I guess I’m okay now’ I said with more confidence this time. He looked at me with a strange look on his face, and he shrugged. ‘Okay then, have a save flight’ He said while he turned away.  ‘

Thanks’ I muttered ‘you too’.

 ‘Crap, the flight’ I thought to myself. And just when I feel the panic coming up again, I hear a female voice through the speakers ‘Passengers for flight 10987 from Dublin to London Heathrow, we are now ready to board.’ I hear several people standing up and when I glance up, I see the two boys walking to the gate, happily chatting but also with a concerned look on their faces when their eyes met mine. I quickly looked away.

This is it Niall, you can do it! I take a deep breath and once again I grab my bags, but this time with my eyes open.

I know, it's really really short. But yeah, hope you kind of enjoyed it... Thanks for reading. Xx

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