Chapter 5

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Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and votes and for all the birthday whises. Really had an amazing day and an amazing party at friday :). And thank you for being so patient with me! I just think this is really scary and when I'm afraid of something I just wont do it. Yeah, I am a coward... If it wasn't for TheWayYouLookTonight, I am not sure if I updated again. So this one I really owe to her!! Oh and almost 4000 reads :O. Really unbelievable!! Thank all you again!!

 I woke up at 8am. I kept my eyes closed and treasured the moment of the day I love the most: the moment when you just wake up and there are no thoughts running through your mind. I can’t really explain the feeling but it’s awesome, like you are on the top of the world. But unfortunately this moment doesn’t last forever. Suddenly I remembered it: ‘I wasn’t in my bed in Mullingar, not in my old, save bedroom, but in a bed I slept this night for the first time, in an apartment complex in a city I never went before, a city I should call home now.’ I opened my eyes and made a promise to myself: ‘I can do this, I’m Niall fucking Horan and I can do what I want! I will make this work, no matter what it cost! I didn’t came here to fail! I CAN DO THIS’.

I took a shower and put on the clothes from yesterday evening. Since there wasn’t anything to eat I decided to go to the same diner as I ate dinner in last night. I grabbed my keys, wallet and phone and walked out the door. I decided to take the stairs again and just hoping I wouldn’t bump in to Liam, or even worse, Harry or Louis. I made it out save and ten minutes later I walked into the diner. The table at the window I sat yesterday was still free, and I sat down. I took the menu but looked up when I heard my name. ‘Hey, Niall, isn’t it?’

I looked up and saw Liam standing next to my table. ‘Uh, yeah, hi’ I mumbled.

‘Is it okay if I sit with you?’ Liam asked me, but before I could give him an answer he already took the seat across from me.

I was a bit baffled but maybe this was a good thing I thought to myself. I definitely could use a friend. And Liam seems like a nice guy, but there’s something bothering me, crap’! Louis, he knows Louis, no he doesn’t know Louis, they are best friends. I groaned in myself, at least I thought I did.

‘Hey, you okay mate? I can go if you don’t want me here.’ Liam said in a somewhat hurt voice.

‘No, no I’m sorry, it’s not you. You can stay, I mean if you want to stay. You can go if you want to of course.’ I rambled.

Liam chuckled and I felt my cheeks flush red.

‘Good morning guys, what can I get you two?’  The waitress asked. Phew, saved by the bell, Niall.

‘I would like the fry up and the fish fingers.’ I said. I looked at Liam and saw his shocked face. ‘What?’ I asked ‘I am just a big eater.’ And again my cheeks flushed red. If this will go on the rest of this breakfast I will be a full ripe tomato at the end and Liam can eat me, I thought.

‘Yeah you can tell that.’ Liam mumbled. And he turned his attention to the waitress. ‘For me the toast with scrambled eggs, please.’ He said politely.

The waitress took the order and left us alone again.

‘So, how is London treating you?’ Liam asked me, and I could hear in his voice that he really was interested.

‘Uhm yeah, well good I guess. I just arrived yesterday.’ I told him.

‘Did you have a good flight? Two friends of mine also came back from Dublin yesterday. Maybe you where on the same flight. One has curly hair and the other feathery blond/brown hair and they are always very loud, well Louis is, the one with the blondish brown hair. If you where on the same flight, there is absolutely no chance you didn’t see or hear them.’ He said. He looked at me with hopefull eyes, like he thought that would be the best thing ever. Yeah, if he even knew the truth…

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