Chapter 14

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Thank you again for all the support!! And aren't you proud for me updating this soon? This chapter is dedicated to nouisthings for the lovely comment. In this chapter is a special appearance because I love her to bits!! I'm not really happy with the end of this, but let me know what you think!! xx

I woke up the next morning with the nagging thing in my mind I was forgetting something very important.
And suddenly it hit me, it was the first Monday in London for me and that meant I had my job interview today! How the hell could I have forget that?
I checked the clock and saw it was 8am and I had my interview at 9.00. I flew out off bed and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw I looked like a mess. I groaned in frustration. How could I let this happen? But I knew how and it were two words: Louis Tomlinson. I knew he was bad news and this proved it even more.
Because of him and his drama I forgot the most important thing! The job interview for being a music teacher at a primary school. If I got this I would be able to earn enough money to stay here, but if I didn’t get it, I would need to look for other work and in the worst case I would need to move back to Ireland. And I really didn’t want that. I came here to prove a point to everyone, but mostly to myself, that I can do anything I want, that I can stand on my own two feet.
At this moment I promised myself I would not let myself involved again with Louis. I just couldn’t deal with him right now. Not even after the kiss we shared, a kiss I could still feel on my lips, a kiss that felt so good, I still got weak in the knees from it only thinking about it.
I quickly pushed those thoughts away and jumped in to the shower. After a quick wash I dried myself and put on the first fresh clothes I saw. I really needed to go to do my laundry, but I hadn’t had the time for it, again because of Louis.
I made my way over to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and milk. I had never ate as fast as I did now.
I didn’t have the time anymore to prepare myself for the interview, and I really could slap myself in the face for that. I grabbed my bag with the little information I had from the school in it. There was also a route in it, but since I obviously didn’t looked up how I could get there by bus I decided to walk. I just hoped it wasn’t that long of a walk and I didn’t get lost.

 I grabbed my things and walked out. Just as I closed the door I heard someone next to me. I turned around and saw Liam, also just heading out.
‘Hey Niall,’ he said surprised. ‘I hadn’t expect you to be awake this early.’
‘Well I have an appointment for a job interview  and I’m already late so I need to go, bye Liam.’
‘What, you have a job interview? Why didn’t you tell me?’ Liam said.
‘Really Liam? Like I had the time to tell you that with all the shit that was going on!! I didn’t even thought about until this morning because of that and now I will be late and probably ruin everything!!’ I now almost shouted.
Guilt took over his features. ‘I am so sorry Niall. We should have been more considerated about you having to still settle down here.’
‘Yeah, well, I really need to go now.’ Is said, not showing any emotions.
Liam sighed. ‘Please Niall, I am sorry okay, can I at least give you a lift?’
I hesitated for a bit, but if I wanted to be somewhat on time it was the best thing to take his offer.
‘Okay,’ I mumbled.

And so it happened I only came in 5 minutes late. But they didn’t really mind, cause the two people I had the job interview with, weren’t ready either. The interview only lasted 20 minutes. And after they showed me the school I was outside again.

 I looked at my watch and I saw it only was 10.15am. I decided to walk home and to overthink everything that happened the last few days. I also thought about the interview and when I was finally home again, I had convinced myself, I totally messed that one up. I knew I needed to talk to someone before a full panic  attack would hit me, but I didn’t want to bother anyone from home. The best next person to talk to was Zayn.
Although I knew he suspected something had happened between Louis and I, and I really wasn’t ready to talk about that, I still decided to call him.
After two rings he picked up the phone. ‘It’s Zayn’
‘Hi Zayn, uhm, with Niall.’
‘Hey, man, how are you doing after everything?’
‘Uhm, can I maybe come over? Or can you come over to me?’ I quickly added when I realized I didn’t even know where he lived.
‘Is it really important Niall, cause I was about to head out to have lunch with Perrie.’
‘Uhm, no no it is okay, have fun, bye Zayn.’
I was close to tears now and I hung up before Zayn could react.

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