chapter 3

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Thank you for all the lovely comments!! It really means a lot, love you all!! I dedicate this chapter to _TakeAChillPill_ for the amazing cover!! 

I woke up by something poking in my cheeks. I felt my hand was in my head, but I didn’t quite understood what was going on. And again I felt something poking my cheek. And suddenly everything came back. The breakdown at the airport, the breakdown in the plane, the two boys and the reason why I was in that plane.

‘OMG, why didn’t I run when I had the chance?’ I thought to myself.  And again, there was that annoying thing poking my cheek. I groaned and turned my head around. That’s when I heard an annoying voice: ’Niaaaallll, are you awake? Are you sure you still strapped in properbly?’
‘W what?’ I stuttered confused.
‘Are you sure you still strapped in? Because we are getting turbulence again.’ Someone whispered in my ear. ‘Did you check your life jacked?’ The voice said in a honey sweet voice. ‘We are flying over the sea  right now…’

A shiver ran down my spine, and I tried to get away from the voice. I knew this wasn’t Harry, so it must be Louis. ‘Why is he doing this to me? Seeing my cry two times isn’t enough? Does he like scaring random people to death, or is it just me?’

I peeked through my eyelashes and tried to gave him a death stare. But when I saw his facial expression, I know it didn’t worked. A grin spread over his face, and it wasn’t a nice one.
‘Why are you acting like such a baby? It’s just a flight, or do you just like the attention.’ I turned my head away and tried to block him out. For the third time that day, I felt tears coming up. ‘I’m not going to cry, not because of him, I need to be strong!!’

That’s when it occurred to me, why was Louis sitting next to me? Where did Harry go. I turned my head slowly, and tried to peek around Louis, seeing if Harry was in his seat. Louis caught me watching.
‘You must be wondering where he is? Aren’t you?’ He whispered in my ear. ‘Are that tears in your eyes, are you going to cry again, like the little baby you are.’ He whispered in my ear, still with that annoying sweet voice.

I couldn’t take it anymore, I unbuckled my seat bell and rushed out of my seat. I saw Louis had an pleased grin on his face, when I tried to get away from him. I was about to flew to the toilets, when I saw a mop of curls looking at me with shock. Then his eyes shifted next to me and I saw anger boiling up in him. But I didn’t wait for that, I ran for the lavatory and by then the tears streamed down my face, again. I felt someone tried to grab my  wrist, but I escaped. I stumbled in too the small place and locked the door behind me.

I slit against the door on to the floor and let the sobs take over. I heard a knock on the door and a worried voice of an flight attendance asked: ‘Sir, are you alright? Sir, please answer me!’
But I couldn’t bother to answer her. I heard another knock, stronger this time. ‘Niall, open the door, I know you are in there, I can hear your sobs!!’ Harry said in a stern voice.

‘Never ever will I let anyone see me like this’ I thought to myself. I tried to calm down, but it didn’t worked. Another bang was at the door, much harder this time, and I shivered in fear. ‘NIALL OPEN THE DAMN DOOR NOW, OR I WILL!!’
‘Sir calm down, or you will return to your seat!!’ The stern voice of the flight attendant said.
‘Niall, please just open the door.’ I heard him say a lot more calmer now.
‘Why is he so concurred over me, he doesn’t even know me.’ I tried to stand up, the tears still falling down my eyes and I slowly unlocked the door. By the minute it was unlocked, someone jacked the door open and I felt strong arms around my waist, pulling me in too a huge chest. I started shaking and just couldn’t stop crying.
‘Shht, it’s okay, nothing is going to happen, I’ve got you.’ Harry whispered in my ear.
I slowly calmed down  and opened my eyes.
‘I’m sorry’ I whispered. ‘I’m sorry, I’m such a baby.
‘He, listen to me, you are not a baby!’ He said, while pulling up my chin with his index finger so he could look me in the eyes. His eyes where soft and a beautiful green. I quickly looked away. ‘Sorry I ruined your shirt and your flight’ I whispered ashamed, since his shirt was all wet from my tears.
‘Don’t be sorry, it’s okay, you ruined anything!’ He said in a soft voice.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats and put you seat belts on, we are ready for landing.’ A voice said to the intercom.
‘Come on Niall, lets go back to our seats.’ Harry said, while he put a hand on my lower back.
I walked with my head down, but still could feel the apologetics stares I got from the other passengers. When we returned to our seats, I stopped so Harry could sit down first.

‘Awwww, look who are back, did you enjoyed your alone time with MINE friend?’ Louis sneered.
‘Louis, what the hell is wrong with you!!’ Harry said angry.
‘What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with YOU!! Since when do you care for total strangers‘ Louis spat.
‘Since when did you become such an arse!!’ Harry spat back. ‘If it wasn’t for you, he probably be still asleep, but nooo, you just can’t control yourself and needed to make things worse! I’m so done with you right now Louis.’
‘Well great, I’m done with you too Harry!!’ Louis spat.

During this whole fight I silently slipped in my seat an buckled up my seat belt. I closed my eyes and wished this flight was over. I never felt more embarrassed in my whole life as at that point. Not even did I humiliated myself, I also caused a fight between two friends I don’t even know. ‘Great job Horan, if this is the start of your new life, I don’t want to know what else is coming.’ I sighed and took a deep breath when the plane landed on the ground. A big relieve washed through me, at least I survived the flight.

At the moment the seat bell sign went out, I stood up and grabbed my stuff. No way I was going to spend another minute in this plane. I elbowed my way through the people. It got me a lot off nasty looks, but also looks with pity in them from the people who saw my breakdown. I heard my name, but didn’t bother to look, cause I know it was Harry and I didn’t want to cause more trouble between the friends.

By the time I got through the customs the luggage was already at the roller band. Five minutes later I got my two big suitcases and was about to walk away. But two pair of eyes, from the other end of hall stopped me. One pair of eyes looked at me with a slight of sorry and pity in it, Harry. But other one got me pinned to the floor. Two icy blue ice looked at me full of hate. It shot shivers down my spine, I quickly looked away and gulped. I know for sure if looks could kill, I was death on the floor, right then and there.

I walked out of the airport and hold a cap. I gave the cap driver the address and slumped at the back seat. I really wasn’t in for a talk. The only thing running through my mind was ‘What did I do to get so much hate from a guy I don’t even know.’ I really hoped I would never ever see Louis again.

Really hope you liked it!! I really appreciate some feedback :). XX

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