Chapter 11

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I looked at Zayn in shock, did I do that to him? Did I break Louis? But how, why? What was so horrible about the thing I said to him? I know it wasn’t really nice, the things I said, but it wasn’t even as worse as the things Louis did to me. Why is this happening to me?
I wanted to make a new start, make new friends, make a new life for me. Where I can be carefree and no drama for ones. But instead I get this. How did this happen. The thoughts running through my mind untill Zayn brought me back to reality.
‘Niall damnit, this is not the time, snap out of there, what happened!’ Zayn almost yelled at me.
I whimpered at his harsh tone. ‘I I’m sorry Zayn.’ I managed to choke out.

‘Oh, Niall come here. I’m sorry okay, I shouldn’t snapped at you.’ Zayn sighed. He took the guitar out of my hands and gently helped me up from the chair I was sitting in and hugged me tightly. I let him lead me to the couch and he sat me down before he sat next to me.

 ‘Niall, look at me and tell me what happened. Please, we need to know. I know it is a lot to take for you right now, but you need to calm yourself down and talk to me. Niall, we need to help Louis.’
The name of Louis really brought me back to reality.
Come on Niall, you can break down when this is all over but now focus! I told myself.
I took a deep breath and told Zayn what happened. From the moment I ran after him until I found him whimpering in the alley and how I calmed him down.
Zayn just listened and nodded and he looked at me encouragingly to continue, but I found it really difficult to tell this part. I really wasn’t proud of the things I said to him and I don’t know how Zayn would react. Because this was the thing that really broke Louis.

I tried to keep the tears in, but it was really difficult.
‘I’m so sorry Zayn, I shouldn’t have said those things to him, I’m so so sorry, please don’t hate me.'
‘Niall, I know it wasn’t that bad, and I promise I won’t hate you, please just tell me what happened next. We never ever have seen Louis like this before, not even Harry. We are concerned about him Niall.'
‘I I yelled at him. He told me everything wasn’t about me and I snapped. And I’m so sorry Zayn.’  And once again I broke down.'
‘Shhht Niall, it’s okay. You don’t need to apologize. It’s completely understandable you snapped at him after everything. It is not your fault how Louis reacted on that. I knew something bothered that kid long before you came. He was always way to happy and never talked about his childhood time, not even with Harry. You triggered something Niall, and it was about time something happened.’ Zayn explained to me, still holding me close. It was a good thing that a guy could just comforted me like this without being scared I want something more of him. Back in Mullingar most of the guys avoided me like the plague when I came out.

 ‘Thank you Zayn.’ I whispered.
‘For what?’ He asked confused.
‘For everything, for not judging me and for hearing me out.’ I quietly said.
‘Niall, it’s okay, that’s what friends are for right? But now I need to help another friend of mine and I need your help with it. I want you to come with me to Louis, do you think you can do that?’

 Wait, what, he’s got to be kidding me right? How can he expect me to come with him? After what I did to Louis and he to me?
‘No no, I can’t Zayn, no, I’m sorry, I really can’t, please don’t let me do it, please.’ I whimpered while I looked away from him.
‘Niall, look at me’ He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him and again I whimpered.
‘I know a lot is going on between the two of you, but you need to do this. I can’t leave my friend being a completely mess. And you seem to be the only one who can get to him. He changed since he met you Niall, I don’t how or why but he did. We need you with this Niall, if you’re not doing it for Louis, do it for Harry and Liam. They always helped you right? Harry was there for you in the plain right? Be there for him now Niall, he don’t know what to do, Louis is his best friend and it kills him seeing him like this.’ I watched him the whole time and when he stopped talking I could see how desperate he was. I thought about everything I said, and he was right. They were always there for me, especially Harry. I couldn’t let them down now.

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